


美式发音: [dʒaɪˈpʊə] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Travel]a major commercial, manufacturing, and tourist center,capital city of Rajasthan State

1.斋浦尔 我去过 0我想去 1 伊斯兰堡大学 伊斯兰堡大学…

6.捷布捷布Jaipur)是Rajasthan省的省会,人口约150万,分为新旧市区。旧市区的建筑多采粉红色故称粉红之城,1853年当地邦 …


1.A pair of gaily painted domesticated elephants regard one another in a Jaipur park in India.印度斋浦尔的一个公园里,一对被绘上了华丽图案的驯象互相在互相注视。更详细。

2.We plan to go to Agra first to see Taj Mahal, then to Jaipur, Udaipur, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer, finally drive back to Delhi.我们先去阿格拉看泰姬陵,然后去斋普尔,乌代普尔,焦代普尔和扎伊萨梅尔,最后开回德里。

3.On a trip to India, we bought a gorgeous hand-woven rug in Jaipur, a piece that we were told took more than four months to make.有一次去印度,我们在斋普尔买了一个非常漂亮的手编地毯,据说用了四个多月才织成。

4.That gentleman do not show county, river outside jaipur's earper harmony, smell.使君未出郡斋外,江上早闻齐和声;

5.Doctor Singhal works with a volunteer organization based in Jaipur, Rajasthan, that helps people take care of their camels.Singhal医生与一个基地在拉贾斯坦邦斋浦尔的志愿机构共事,这个机构帮助指导人们照顾骆驼。

6.IT IS impossible to eradicate child labour, sighs Rajesh Goyal, the owner of a garment factory in Jaipur, northern India.童工现象屡禁难绝,印度北部斋浦尔的一名制衣厂老板拉杰什•戈亚尔叹着气说道。

7.India endured another year of frequent terrorist incidents, including a spate of bombings in one day in Jaipur.印度在不断的恐怖事件中又挨过了一年,包括斋浦尔一天内大量的炸弹爆炸事件。

8.One afternoon I drove out from Jaipur in a final attempt at reconcipation.一天中午,我开车离开斋浦尔,做最后的和解努力。

9.Namita Gokhale, a novepst and one of the Jaipur festival's organisers, says that South Asiais having a "pterary moment" .作为一名小说家,同时也是斋普尔文化节的组织者,纳米塔。戈卡勒表示,南亚正在处在一个“文学盛世”。

10.My taxi struggled along the Jaipur road towards the airport.我坐的计程车沿着Jaipur路向机场方向前进。