




1.太阳兰岛物语:少 …

3.心中的太阳 排队上天堂 Roseanna's Grave 心中的太阳 Soleil 欲海轮回 Artemisia ...

4.索莱尔 Solara 太阳 Soleil 索莱尔 Sonata 索那塔 ...

5.防晒系列 玫瑰系列/ Rose 防晒系列/ Soleil 乳木果系列/ karité ...

6.太阳出版集团社、WANI MAGAZINE、日本飞鸟新社、法国太阳出版集团Soleil)、美国幻图出版社(Fantagraphics Books)和台湾原动 …

7.太阳出版社at)、 勒隆巴尔出版社(Le Lombard)和太阳出版社Soleil),它们的年销售额约占法国连环画出版社年销售总额的75%。


1.Florence did not win an outright victory opposition her competitors, lunettes soleil, but many changes came through.尽管弗洛伦斯没有取得对反对派的彻底胜利,但确已出现了许多变化,lunetterayban。

2.However, the show reminded me of a Cirque de Soleil performance - very artsy yet sophisticated.然而,它让我想起太阳剧团的表演,很艺术也很复杂。

3.And in a crowded slum of Cite Soleil, a doctor working there has told the BBC she, too, is seeing patients with all the symptoms of cholera.一名在拥挤的贫民窟工作的医生告诉BBC的记者她也看到了一些携带霍乱症状的患者。

4.Rhythmic gymnastics is certainly mesmerizing, but Cirque de Soleil mixed with a touch of the Bolshoi doesn't deserve a spot at the Games.艺术体操诚然让人如痴如醉,但是太阳马戏团与莫斯科大剧院的混搭并不值得在奥运会上占有一席之地。

5.Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Lapberte has found an out-of-this-world way to celebrate his 50th birthday -- blasting off into space.太阳马戏团创办人盖.拉利伯特已找出极其美妙的方法来庆祝50岁生日——发射进入太空。

6.I guess I'm still waiting for my Cirque du Soleil moment. It would be fun.我仍在等我能够在太阳马戏剧团表演,这应该很有趣。

7.Soleil was disappointed in "Chinese government tenders from healthcare reform which were slower than expected. "并且对中国政府医疗改革的速度慢于预期表示失望。

8.A girl smiles as she goes to collect water at Cite-Soleil in Port-au-Prince January 27, 2010.一个女孩的笑容,因为她去领取引用水在太子港太阳城太子港2010年1月27日。

9.A team of 10 choreographers are putting the show together, which is being built to be the largest ever Cirque du Soleil production.一个10人的编舞团队正在将节目串联起来,这场表演将成为太阳马戏团有史以来最大型的创作。

10.Cirque Du Soleil and the Jackson estate announced "Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL World Tour" on Wednesday.太阳马戏团和杰克逊遗产公司在周三宣布了“迈克尔杰克逊不朽世界巡演”。