




1.外科加护病房 ... 外科加护病房 : SICU 外科加护病房Surgical ICU 外科监护病房 : CSICU ...

2.一般外科加护病房 第一会议室1 ST Conference Room 一般外科加护病房 Surgical ICU 内科加护病房 Internal Medicine ICU ...


1.Today, I sit in a surgical ICU beside my favorite Jack as he recovers from a five-hour operation to repair a massive aortic aneurysm.今天我正坐在外科护理组的病房里,旁边是我最爱的人杰克,他正在从一个长达四五个小时的大动脉瘤手术中慢慢苏醒。

2.Objective To discuss the cpnical significance and comppcation of flow-directed pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) in surgical ICU.目的探讨漂浮导管在外科ICU中的应用效果以及并发症的防治。

3.The Acquired Infection of Patients in An Encephalo-thoracic Surgical ICU in Hospital脑胸外科ICU内获得性感染的致病菌菌种及其药敏

4.A prospective study of nosocomial infection in patients in surgical ICU外科重症监护病房患者医院感染前瞻性调查研究

5.Risk factors for Meropenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in surgical ICU patients外科患者耐美罗培南铜绿假单胞菌感染的危险因素分析

6.Iatrogemc infection in chest surgical ICU ward and its'nursing胸外重症监护患者院内感染状况及护理

7.The practice and effect of professional airway care team in surgical ICU外科ICU设立专职呼吸道管理护士的实践与效果

8.Post-operation Infection in Surgical ICU外科重症监护病房术后感染

9.The use of conscious sedation in patients on surgical ICU ward清醒镇静在外科监护病房中的应用