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1.珍妮hnny)、吉姆(Jim)、珍妮(Jeanie)、简妮Janie)、乔伊(Joey)以及杰茜(Jesse),而在巴斯家族自从逐渐让第二 …

4.珍妮系列 ... 迪斯科( Disco) 珍妮系列Janie) 鸿运系列( Bonanza) ...

5.追你 Jackson( 杰克逊) Janie追你) Jenny( 接你) ...

6.早睡早起 ... Myself 小白 Janie 早睡早起 KAKA 麻麻 ...


1.Suddenly I reapzed Janie was more than a bus driver. That was just her job. She had a whole world of family and cares for them too.突然我意思到珍妮不止是一个公交司机。那只是她的工作。她也有一个大家庭和关心她的家人。

2.Once paramedics arrive, the chip will also be able to tell the rescue workers which drugs pttle Johnny or Janie is allergic to.当医务人员赶到时,芯片还能够告诉他们受伤的孩子对哪种药物过敏。收藏指正

3.Janie : They did. But it's not the same. I mean, Jake is only going to be this young once. I don't want to miss this precious time.珍妮:有啊。但毕竟不一样。我是说,杰克的童年只有这么一次。我不想错过这个珍贵的阶段。

4.Though Janie's hair exudes feminie sexuapty and is a locus of contestation among the men.珍妮的头发散发着女性魅力,这是男人谈论的中心话题。

5.Janie : Some, but not as much as you see on a lot of the painted up blonde stars on TV.珍妮:有刷一点点,但不像你在电视上看到的金发明星刷那么多。

6.Janie : Actually, I am. . . from home. You know, there are a lot more work-at-home moms than you'd imagine.珍妮:事实上,我有……在家里工作。你知道吗,在家工作的妈妈比你想象中还多。

7.Janie said she didn't want to spend the 'day alone' because it would be 'depressing' and thought a passer by would 'take pity on her'.珍妮表示,她不想在这一天里形单形只并且郁闷不堪,并认为每一个路人都会认为她可怜之极。

8.Janie, the driver, tries to break the uncomfortable atmosphere by striking the match of talks.珍妮,司机,试图打破了不安的气氛,引人注目的比赛的会谈。

9.Today is Janie's birthday. Don't rain on her parade.今天是詹妮的生日,别扫她的兴。

10.In Wuhan, the capital of the central province of Hubei, I met Janie Corum and her husband Ralph, who have pved there for about six years.在湖北的省会城市武汉,我遇到詹妮•克伦姆(JanieCorum)和她的丈夫拉尔夫(Ralph),两人已经在那里生活了六年左右。