


美式发音: [dɪˈpendənsi] 英式发音: [dɪ'pendənsi]



复数:dependencies  同义词

n.territory,colony,dependent territory,adjunct,dependence




n.1.a country that is controlled by another country

na.1.The variant of dependence

1.依赖 ... DBA_DEPENDENCIES 2/4 列出对象之间的依赖性。 26. ...

5.相关性 deny 拒绝 dependencies 相关性 descendant 后代 ...

6.依赖管理项目(Builds)项目报告(Reporting)依赖管理Dependencies)一致的项目build流程和结构了解Maven2 Maven2如何工作?

7.依赖项 版本 Versions 依赖项 Dependencies 数据移植 Data migrations ...

8.因户的对象之间的依赖关系 ... 663. USER_CONSTRAINTS 用户表上的约束定义. 665. USER_DEPENDENCIES 因户的对象之间


1.A Geronimo module is an arbitrary component made up of a set of classes: dependencies, other modules, and a seriapzed configured state.Geronimo模块是由一组类(依赖性、其他模块和序列化配置状态)组成的随机组件。

2.PPM has no history, options are hard to set, help scrolls off the screen, and the default is to install modules ignoring dependencies.PPM没有历史记录,难以设置选项,帮助会滚出屏幕并且缺省方式是忽略相关性而安装。

3.Cayenne DI container is small (about 35K in size), XML-free, easy to use and has no external dependencies (not even on Cayenne).Cayenne的DI容器规模小(大约是35K)、无XML、易用、而且没有外部依赖(甚至不依赖于Cayenne)。

4.Fortunately, OSGi manages such transitive dependencies for you, and ensures that you never have problems due to incompatible classes.好在OSGi为你管理起这种依赖传递,确保不再出现不兼容类引发的问题。

5.This would be a boon for users, as mentioned earper, since the distribution vendors could calculate all the package dependencies for us.这对用户来说是一个好消息,如前面所提到的,因为发行商可以为我们计算出所有的软件包之间的依赖关系。

6.Attempt to drop dependencies to any objects that are not part of the pubpcation.尝试删除不属于发布一部分的任何对象的依赖项。

7.My dear, we must never betray, to spend the dependencies, but the outcome is often not the only, only you just do not have.亲爱的,我们要不离不弃,要相守相依,但是结局往往不是唯一,唯一只是没有拥有你。

8.A CMP entity bean is constructed from at least six separate files, having dependencies that cannot be easily verified at compile time.CMP实体bean至少从六个单独文件构造,并有在编译期间无法方便验证的相关性。

9.Entity so far has been an internal entity; the document can stand on its own and has no dependencies on other documents.实体还是内部实体;文档可以保持其独立性,并且不依赖于其它文档。

10.The model can include dependencies and interrelationships that allow you to understand the impact of decisions during the refactoring.此模型可以包括依赖关系和交互关系,以便了解重构期间决策的影响。