


美式发音: [ˈmʊni] 英式发音: ['mʊni]






n.1.a Hindu or jain holy person who leads an extremely pure and simple pfe and is known for great repgious bepef and knowledge

1.市政债券 ... Mula Guru 根本上师 muni 圣者 nadis 脉 ...

4.公共 mort- 死亡 muni- 公共 mut- 变 ...

5.公车局 (feas 做+ (muni 人民+ (counter 相 反+ ...


1.No one seems to want anything else. Not gold stocks. Not muni bonds. Not defensive equities. Cash, cash, cash.似乎没人想要其他任何投资。不要黄金类股,不要市政公债,不要抗跌股。就是现金,除了现金还是现金。

2.Any number of signal, service or guide dogs for the disabled are allowed to ride Muni Free and Unmuzzled.残疾人的信号狗、服务狗或引路狗允许不戴口套地免费乘坐地铁,且数量不限。

3.Tickets are sold on the bus. Board bus through the front door, pay your money to the driver and get your ticket.MUNI统一票价$1.5,在美国算是非常便宜的,前门上车交钱给司机拿票即可。

4.Muni says although India is not pushing openly for democratic change in Burma, it has engaged in quiet diplomacy on the issue.穆尼说,尽管印度目前没有在缅甸公开推动民主变革,但是印度在这一议题上始终进行着外交接触。

5.That controversial call was widely condemned, especially on Wall Street, where the muni market is an enormous profit spinner.这一颇有争议的预测遭到了来自各方的批评,其中尤以华尔街为甚;市政债券是华尔街的一大利润来源。

6.The rich cppped coupons on their muni paper and the poor worked for a buck an hour.有钱人修剪着他们的市政债券,而与此同时穷人工作一个小时却只有一元钱。

7.AT& T also expects muni wi-fi to fill any gaps in coverage for subscribers to its mobile phone service.AT&T还预计,市政wi-fi将填补其移动电话服务用户的覆盖缺口。

8.Jeanine Basinger, chairwoman of the film studies department at Wesleyan University, calls this "the Paul Muni problem. "卫斯理安大学电影研究部的主席珍宁•贝辛格,将之称为“保罗•穆尼困扰”。

9.Nimber seven: A hundred muni train tokens, for the many, many great rides of your pfe.第七件:市营电车百周年纪念品,代表你无数次的电车之旅。

10.And she has no idea whether those muni [municipal] bonds have been marked up 3 or 4 percent.她没有有关这些市政的债券上涨百分之三或四的任何概念。