


美式发音: [ˈsaɪˌklɑps] 英式发音: [ˈsaɪˌklɒps]



复数:cyclopses  复数:cyclopes  



1.(古希腊神话中的)库克罗普斯,独眼巨人(in ancient Greek stories) a giant with only one eye in the middle of his face


n.1.an extremely large man with only one eye in the middle of his forehead in ancient Greek stories

1.独眼巨人 美国队长 Captain America 独目龙 Cyclops 钢人 Colossus ...

7.剑水蚤属剑水蚤属Cyclops) 剑水蚤目(Cyclopoidea)剑水蚤科的1属。淡水浮游动物中1个重要类群。


1.But , Mama, but, Mama, what if I were a Cyclops, and I had just one big, gigantic eye in the middle of my head?但是,妈妈,但是,妈妈,如果我是一个独眼巨人,我只在脑门中间长了一只巨大的眼睛怎么办?

2.Nobody wants to talk with you because you such a Cyclops , barbarism and stupid.没人愿意和你说话,因为你简直像个独眼巨人(未开化的意思),野蛮又愚笨。

3.The Cyclops , Apollo's chariot? and now hydra heads! I've got my work cut out for me if I'm going to beat Hercules to task number twelve.独眼巨人,阿波罗战车?现在是九头蛇怪!我自己的工作被取代了,假如我还打算去击败大力英雄来达成十二项任务。

4.Larvae known as the Cyclops -pke larvae of tiny, transparent, round, without pmbs, swimming in the sea.幼体称为水蚤状幼虫,体微小,透明,圆形,无肢体,于海面上游泳。

5.Without a proper counterweight, the Cyclops might as well be a paperweight!没有合适的平衡物,独眼巨人只能象个纸镇!

6.Cyclops: If I had to do that, she wouldn't be my girl.独眼龙:如果我要那末做的话,她就不是我的妞了。

7.The larva is ingested by a water flea (cyclops), where it develops and becomes infective in two weeks.幼虫通过水蚤(剑水蚤属)进入人体,在那里发育并在两周后具有感染性。

8.Cyclops were giants with only one eye, pke a lantern, in the center of their forehead.独眼巨人是一些只有一只眼睛的巨人,这只眼睛在他们前额的正中间,像个。

9.Do you think your mama would love you if you were a big scary ape or a cyclops?如果你变成一只可怕的大猩猩火独眼龙,你觉得你妈妈还会爱你吗?

10.The fact that none have been caught outside the womb suggests cyclops sharks don't survive long in the wild.但他们一直未能在母体外捕获独眼鲨鱼,说明这种鲨鱼无法在野外存活很久。