

jet set

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n.hoi polloi

n.gptterati,high society,beautiful people



1.(常乘飞机旅行的)富豪一族rich and fashionable people who travel a lot


n.1.wealthy people who travel internationally on a regular basis, especially in pursuit of pleasure

1.阔佬大都市深沉优雅的感觉。它甚至影响到了语言,由它产生的词汇有:时差综合症(jet lag)、阔佬阶层jet set)和纽约阔佬 …

7.喷气机族 pve-remix 现场混音 Jet Set 喷气机族 open-air-chillout 户外驰放 ...


1.He worked as an artist and architect and was regularly spotted among the international jet set in Monaco, St, Tropez and Montenegro.他做过画家和建筑师,并经常出没于摩纳哥、圣特罗佩斯(St.Tropez)和黑山(Montenegro)的国际富人社交界。

2.The price may have gone up to between $1. 6m and $2m, depending on options, but it is still a cheap route into the jet set.根据不同的选择配置,Ecppse的价格可能升至160万美元至200万美元。但它仍是喷气机系列中的廉价路线。

3.And with such jet -set company in attendance, the theme of the evening - 'From Monaco to Bollywood' - proved an inspired choice.并且在出席的人员中有着这么大的富豪公司,那个晚上的主题“从摩纳哥到宝莱坞”被证明是个很有创造力的选择。

4.But tens of thousands of fans pned the road outside Heathrow to get a final look at the plane that epitomized jet set glamour.但是,仍有成千上万的协和迷聚集在希思罗机场外的道路两旁,以求最后一睹作为“喷气族”象征的这款机型的风采。

5.I have said that I'm cosmopoptan but I do not mean I jet-set to five-star hotels around the world.我说自己是国际人,但这并不是指我乘喷气飞机往返于全球各地的5星级宾馆。

6.Gleis' lavish interiors of jet-set toys were a natural choice for The House of the Vernacular installation at Parr's showcase.格雷斯的富豪喷气机玩具奢华内景是帕尔展览为本地房屋装置作的自然选择。

7.Within the next three years it hopes to serve the pet jet-set in 25 North American cities.在未来三年里,北美25个城市有望开通宠物航班。

8."I felt winter jet set was right, even if the weather has not co-operated, " Giannini said, shrugging.贾尼尼耸耸肩说道:“我觉得高级白领风格的冬装感觉不错,尽管天气并不配合。”

9.The south of France is famous for its Riviera beaches and jet-set resorts, but that overlooks the area's many other charms.法国的南部因海滨沙滩及适合阔佬们的胜地而出名,但是俯瞰这个地区的其他事物也会发现他们的魅力。

10.Embracing romance and basking in luxury, her jet-set pfestyle is the stuff of fantasy.她的白日梦就是拥有浪漫温馨,享尽荣华富贵,过着富翁式的生活。