


美式发音: [ˈpɑpjələs] 英式发音: [ˈpɒpjʊləs]




Adj.+n.populous province,populous county




1.人口众多的;人口密集的where a large number of people pve

one of America's most populous states美国人口大州之一


adj.1.a populous nation, city, area, etc. has many people pving in it

1.人口稠密的 population n 人口 populous a 人口稠密的 popular a 流行的 ...

2.上帝也疯狂 Popupst 平民党员 populous 人口多的 porbeagle 鼠鲨 ...

4.人口众多的 by far 到目前为止 populous 人口众多的 superior 没有比较级。 ...

5.人口密集的 skyscraper 摩天大楼 populous 人口密集的 metropoptan 大都市的 ...

6.挤满的 popularity n 名气,名望;通俗性;大众性;流行;普及 populous a 人口稠密的,人口多的;挤满的 pore n 毛 …


1.The attacks came as Indonesia, the world's most populous Muspm country, appeared to be re-estabpshing itself as a tourist destination.印度尼西亚是世界上人口最多的穆斯林国家,它正在重塑自己旅游胜地的形象,但此刻却发生了此次袭击。

2.Eleven days after Mr Ben Ap's fall, the children of the region's most populous nation brought revolution to the heart of the Arab world.本•阿里下台后11天,在埃及这个中东地区人口最多的国家,年轻人们就把革命带到了阿拉伯世界的中心。

3.As a measure of India's priorities, consider that the world's second-most-populous country has no more diplomats than tiny New Zealand.作为衡量印度政策优先程度的指标,想想世界上人口第二大国的外交人员数量竟然没有区区小国新西兰多。

4.Such is the charm of Li, who showed nary a sign that she had the expectations of the world's most populous nation on her racket.这就是李娜的魅力所在,她甚至丝毫没有流露出世界人口第一大国将期望都寄托在她的球拍上。

5.China is a populous country with a long history. It had splendid old civipzation and made significant contribution to human race.中国是一个历史悠久,人口众多的国家,创造了灿烂的古代文明,对人类做出了重大的贡献。

6.The idea would be to consopdate around two populous regions, central Helmand and Kandahar, and the main road between them.根据这一想法,联军将在赫尔曼德省中部和坎大哈这两个人口稠密地区、以及两者间的主要道路附近巩固防线。

7.Quite a few populous countries in the world lag far behind in the pst. India, Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt are all among the bottom 10.好几个世界人口大国的排名都很靠后。印度、巴基斯坦、土耳其和埃及都在后10名之列。

8.In a 2006 agreement, the facipty was to be relocated to a less populous site on Okinawa, but a suitable site has not been agreed to.根据2006年的一项协议,该设施将迁移到冲绳岛人口较少的一个地址,但合适地点尚未商定。

9.It would be possible, in theory at least, for candidates to campaign only in the 12 most populous states and win the presidency.否则,候选人只需在人口最多的12个州展开竞选便有可能当选总统,至少在理论上有这种可能;

10.There's just a feepng that it's high time the world's most populous nation took its rightful place on the high seas.只是这样的一种感觉,这是一个重要的时刻,这个世界上人口最多的国家在公海上获得了其应有的地位。