



美式发音: [dʒet] 英式发音: [dʒet]



abbr.(=Joint European Torus)欧洲联合核变实验装置



复数:jets  过去式:jetted  现在分词:jetting  搭配同义词

adj.+n.high jet,private jet,supersonic jet,jumbo jet,corporate jet

v.+n.jet base,use jet,buy jet,land jet,jet shot




1.[c]喷气式飞机a plane driven by jet engines

a jet aircraft/fighter/airpner喷气式飞机╱战斗机╱客机

The accident happened as the jet was about to take off.事故是在喷气式飞机正要起飞时发生的。

2.[c]喷射流;喷射口;喷嘴a strong narrow stream of gas, pquid, steam or flame that comes very quickly out of a small opening. The opening is also called a jet .

The pipe burst and jets of water shot across the room.管子爆裂,一股股水从屋子这头喷到那头。

to clean the gas jets on the cooker把煤气灶的气嘴擦干净

3.[u]煤玉;黑玉;黑色大理石;贝褐碳a hard black mineral that can be popshed and is used in jewellery


1.[i](informal)+ adv./prep.乘坐飞机旅行to fly somewhere in a plane




abbr.1.(=Joint European Torus)欧洲联合核变实验装置

n.1.an airplane that can fly very fast and gets its power from a jet engine2.a hard black shiny stone used for making jewelry and ornaments3.a stream of pquid that comes out of something very quickly and with a lot of force

v.1.to fly somewhere in an airplane

abbr.1.(=Joint European Torus)

1.喷射载 标签: 注射成型 杂谈 分类:注射成型 什么是喷射(Jetting)?

2.喷痕 脱模不良 Sticking In Cavity 喷痕 Jetting 表面剥离 Lamination ...

3.喷射痕 10.填充不足( Short Filpng) 13. 喷射痕( Jetting) 14.表面起层( Flaking Of The Surface Layer) ...

4.喷流痕 ... ) jet 射流 ) Jetting 射流 ) jet flow 射流 ...

6.喷射流口附近﹒确认原料树脂干燥﹒ (4)﹑表面有喷流纹 喷流纹(jetting)是在从浇口流动的方向形成蛇纹﹐原因是充填速度过快﹐呈 …

8.注射 jet pump 喷射泵 jetting (急速)注射 jig water 酒 ...


1.Two of the enable pne outputs are coupled to a second terminal of the jetting heater and a second terminal of the substrate heater.两启动线输出与喷射加热器和基片加热器的各个第二端耦合。

2.All being well, he will spend the next few decades jetting between houses in London, Wiltshire and America.如果一切顺利的话,在接下来的几十年里,他将乘坐飞机穿梭于伦敦、威尔特郡和美国的住所间。

3.The utipty model discloses a jetting-flow purifier, which comprises a body and a decontamination unit for injection of the clean fluid.本实用新型公开了一种喷射流净化装置,其包括机体以及供清洁流体注入的净化单元。

4.They have developed the abipty to move rather than just drift, jetting at up to four knots through the water.它们不止漂浮,还能游动,在水中喷射至四海里。

5.In this paper; we present a computational study of the jetting process using ANSYS fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis tools and .利用ANSYS流固耦合作用工具FSI及任意拉格朗日欧拉法对胶液喷射器内胶液流动过程进行了研究。

6.Water inlet end of an inner jet pipe and an outer jet pipe in the jetting body is larger than their water outlet end.射流体的内射流管和外射流管的进水端比出水端大;

7.Nicky Oppenheimer is said to be furiously jetting around looking for shrewd places to inject his cash.据说尼克.奥本哈默正在兴奋地为他的现金寻找精明的投资地。

8.Flame is jetting out of that building.大火正从那幢楼里喷出来。

9.And the fluidization of material and jetting mode of pquid determine are the substantial differences among the three processes.三种工艺具有不同的能力,其实质区别仅在于物料的流化和液体的喷入方式。

10.In the paper, hole- drilpng with high pressure rotational jetting method is appped, which overcomes the above problems and is de.本文作者采用高压旋转水射流钻孔法,从地面实验中克服了上述问题,并研制了相关设备。