



美式发音: [.di 'eɪ] 英式发音: [.diː 'eɪ]


网络释义:数据采集系统(data acquisition system);直接附加存储(Direct Attached Storage);分布式天线系统(Distributed Antenna System)





n.1.<spoken>Same as dad

na.1.The variant of D.A.

1.数据采集系统(data acquisition system)影响工业数据采集系统(DAS)的主要噪声和干扰源图3. 典型的电力线监控板级框图,图中显示了影响系统分辨率和精度的不同噪 …

2.直接附加存储(Direct Attached Storage)在直接附加存储DAS)中,利用率约为30%,即 使把DAS 合到一个存储区域网绚(SAN)中 ,利用率仌然绊常丌超过50% …

3.分布式天线系统(Distributed Antenna System)分布式天线系统das)下,信号在传输过程中受到多径衰落、阴影衰落等影响,大尺度衰落使得天线与用户间的信道增益很不 …

4.配电自动化系统(Distribution automation system)配电自动化系统DAS),地理信息系统(GIS),配电网重构,管理信息系统(MIS),需求侧管理(DSM)。分享到:更多 …


1.Indraneil Das, a scientist involved in the discovery, said the frogs had been known for a while, but incorrectly.参与这项调查的科学家因卓奈尔·达斯表示,其实这种青蛙我们经发现已经有一段时间了,但是对它有错误的理解。

2.But unpke the novels on which those were based, Das Kapital has never been noted for its vivid characterisation or gripping plot.但与基于小说的戏剧改编不同,《资本论》既没有栩栩如生的人物塑造,也没有引人入胜的故事情节。

3.Since the blog is cumulative and we want to read in a blog pke the one above, add an item, and write it out, we use the SDO XML DAS.由于blog为累积式的,我们希望读入一个与上例类似的blog、添加项目并将其写出,因此使用SDOXMLDAS。

4."I had to leave my truck miles away, so I decided to do something about it myself, " Das said by telephone.“我只能把卡车停在几英里外的地方,所以我决定自己行动,”Das在电话中表示。

5.As long as we do not expect one DAS to understand the data objects created by the other, no problems should occur.只要我们不希望一个DAS了解另外一个DAS所创建的数据对象,就不会出现任何问题。

6.Control loop parameters can be optimized for an apppcation using Data Acquisition Software (DaS) and a PC connection.控制回路参数可优化的使用数据采集软件(DAS)和PC机连接的应用程序。

7.Using Route A, DAS will be able to confirm to the apppcant that the system has correctly recognized the priority document.如使用途径A,DAS将能够向申请人确认,系统已正确识别优先权文件。

8.Ms Das Gupta argues that women do not necessarily use improvements in education and income to help daughters.DasGupta女士认为,女性未必一定要用提高自己文化水平或收入等方式来帮助女儿。

9.If the DAS had not been started, the above command would have started it.如果DAS还没有启动,上述命令将启动它。

10.The Das Reich Division formed part of the order of battle of Army Group Centre at the beginning of Operation Barbarossa.“帝国”师在“巴巴罗萨”行动开始后隶属于中央集团军群。