


美式发音: [ˈdʒuːəlri] 英式发音: [ˈdʒuːəlri]




adj.+n.gold jewelry,silver jewelry,antique jewelry



n.1.珠宝; 珠宝饰品; 首饰

n.1.objects that you wear as decoration. Types of jewelry are rings, which you wear on your finger, bracelets, which you wear on your wrist, and necklaces, which you wear around your neck

1.珠宝 会展活动 Exhibition & Event 珠宝 Jewelry 腕表 Watch ...

2.首饰 配饰 Accessories 首饰 Jewelry 美容 Beauty ...

3.饰品 。钱包。 Wallet。 。饰品Jewelry 。 。包包。 Bags。 ...

4.珠宝首饰 潮流本本 Notebook 珠宝首饰 Jewelry 时尚手机 Mobile ...

5.宝石 slavery 奴役 jewelry 宝石 forestry 林业 ...

6.徐仁英 comedy n. 喜剧, 喜剧性的事情 jewelry n. 珠宝, 珠宝类 gobb 木板垛层间的垫 ...

8.朴正雅谁知道朴正雅(Jewelry)第一张专辑《Yeah》的所有歌的中文歌名谢谢了~~普通登录 手机登录 帐号 密码 记住我的登录状态


1.The man reportedly went into a jewelry store and tried to swap out the gem for a fake one.据报道,这名男子走进一家珠宝店,试图鱼目换珠,以赝品换真品珠宝。

2.You won't stop, I know, as long as you can trail round in a white gown with your hair down, and wear gold-paper jewelry.你不会停止的,我知道,只要你能够披下头发,戴上金纸做的珠宝,身披白长裙摇曳而行,你就不会的。

3.Everybody talking shop. Always trying to sell you jewelry. Then I heard your name and found out you were just one of us.每个人都在谈购物,老是推销珠宝,然后我听说你的大名,接着发现你也是我们的一员。

4.Ms. Hotchner said he did this by using a steel bunny the size of a human as a model for the jewelry he created.霍奇纳女士说,他没有使用钢材的兔子作为人类为他所创建的珠宝的模型的大小。

5.The two thieves immediately smashed the window of the shop with iron bars and began to help themselves to diamonds and other jewelry.两个小偷立即用铁棍把商店橱窗砸碎,开始动手抢钻石和其他的珍贵珠宝。

6.47, she used to sit in this spot every night, wearing every piece of jewelry she owns, just waiting for her long-lost love.他每次总是坐在同一个地方,带着他所有的珠宝,等待失去的爱。

7.In the early morning of the next day, they rushed to the lecture venue to prepare the display of the Celestial Jewelry.第二天,她们又很早到讲经现场,准备天饰的展示,然后向来宾讲解天饰的内涵和意义。

8.The point of jewelry isn't to make a woman look rich but to adorn her; not the same thing.首饰的重点不在于让女性看起来富有而是装点女性,这不是同一回事。

9.To ask a woman to wear real jewelry only is pke asking her to cover herself with real flowers instead of flowery silk prints.如果要求一位女性佩戴真的珠宝就好像让她用真正的花朵铺满身体而不是用印花丝绸面料。

10.Drummond blogs about cleaning out her closet, buying an organizer for her jewelry, getting a metal ice-cream scoop stuck to her pp.蕾在她的博客里会大谈清理橱柜、购买珠宝收藏盒或是金属冰激凌勺粘在唇上等普通经历。