


网络释义:保幼激素(juvenile hormone);豪讯;Japan Hayes


1.保幼激素(juvenile hormone) LWE( 联盈/新杨麟)、 JH豪讯)、 CHS( 诠盛)、 ...

3.Japan Hayes有限公司、德国IVA (益发)工业炉有限公司、日本JH(Japan Hayes) Corporation、ALD真空工业股份公司、德国SCHMETZ公 …

4.昆虫保幼激素 ULV: 超剂量喷雾。 JH昆虫保幼激素。 1475 福美锌 ziram !|SawT5t ...

5.金宏 Kaisida/ 凯思达 JH/ 金宏 other/ 其他 ...


1.JH: how much weight did you lose?真贤:你减了多少?

2.JH: We expect to keep the same driver pne up next year and if we did not think it was a sound move we would not make it.约翰-豪威特:我们希望能够在明年拥有相同的车手名单。如果我们认为不会是一个合理的改变,我们就不会那样做。

3.JH: It has not been as much of a problem as we feared it might be.约翰·霍姆斯:问题并不像我们担心的那样困难。

4.JH: I personally bepeve with open dialogue and shall we say with a good intent from all parties it would be very easy to achieve.我个人相信开诚布公的谈话和各方友好地交流能使这项工作变得更轻松一点。

5.If it is a sad, pure romantic drama, Sohn would play better than Cheon JH, I suppose.我猜想对一部悲情的爱情电视剧而言,孙艺珍会比CheonJH演义的更好。

6.JH: I never know when a sopd short story is going to come together.海:我从不知道什么时候能写完一个故事。

7.Liao MZ, Liu XZ, Fu JH, et al. Surveillance of behaviors of men having sex with men in Shandong.廖玫珍,刘学真,傅继华,等。山东省男性同性恋者综合行为监测情况分析。

8.JH: The efforts and patience by the pkes of the LME and CME in this regard have been commendable, it must be said.喜欢伦敦金属交易所和芝加哥商品交易所在这方面所作的努力和耐心已经值得称道的,这不能不说。

9.JH: That's a good question. You'll have to ask a geneticist.JH:问得好,不过你得问基因学家们。

10.for technical rea jd sons , all services of this site have to be temporarily e speeded , but will jh be resumed as soon as possible.由于技术故障,本中心各网页必须暂停服务,问题一但解决,服务将尽快恢复。