




1.铃木 基益( E-TON) 台铃( SUZUKI) 联统( CIP) ...

4.铃木汽车公司 长安 1.3L 长安铃木 SUZUKI 奥拓 0.8L SC7080 ...

6.太子汽车 Nissan 尼桑 Suzuki 日本铃木 Volkswagen 德国大众 ...


1.'It might be a mistake to remain here, ' said Ms. Suzuki. 'But dying is all the same anywhere. '铃木英子说,留在这里或许是个错误,但不管怎样,反正到哪里都是要死的。

2.As you may have guessed, that isn't what happened, and it's all because Suzuki used the word "mokusatsu" as his "no comment" response.正如你所料,事实远非如此,因为铃木使用了单词“默杀”(mokusatsu)表达“不予评论”的意思。

3.Eventually, Suzuki caved in, called a news conference and said the equivalent of, "No comment. We're still thinking about it. "铃木最终屈服了,召开了记者招待会,说了诸如“不予评论。我们正在考虑此事”之类的话。

4.knock at the door and enter. Then Suzuki sees a lady in the garden and learns with horror that she is Pinkerton's wife, Kate.平克顿和领事敲门进来。铃木随后见到花园里有个女人,知道她就是平克顿的妻子凯特,不禁惊恐万分。

5.But computer division head Kunimasa Suzuki said the company had ambitions to catch up quickly.但索尼电脑部主管KunimasaSuzuki称,该公司有信心能很快地迎头赶上。

6.Suzuki says he has no idea when he, his parents, his sister and her three children will be able to move into temporary housing.铃木说他不知道他、他的父母、他的姐姐和她的三个孩子何时才能搬进临时住房中。

7.Suzuki said the technology might one day be used for unmanned spacecraft.说,这项技术也许会在某一天运用到无人航天器上。

8.Underlying Suzuki's unhappiness with VW has been a perception that the larger German company was infringing on its independence.铃木对大众的不满让人感觉,规模更大的大众正在侵犯它的独立。

9.Nissan spokeswoman and a Suzuki spokesman decpned to comment on whether the two companies were in talks to expand their OEM arrangements.日产和铃木的发言人均未对双方是否在加强贴牌生产合作一事发表评论。

10.Suzuki said the boat is modeled after a zipper tab.康広称,该摩托艇就是仿照拉链扣设计的。