




1.周仰杰 …Burberry-Burberry 巴宝莉- Lee Esprit D&G…Jimmy-Choo 怎么念- ...


1.Living in New York also helps Mellon to avoid the paparazzi. And the United States is one of Jimmy Choo's biggest markets.此外,生活在纽约还能让梅隆设法摆脱狗仔队的纠缠,况且美国还是周仰杰公司最大的市场。

2.If comfort were the top criterion for selpng womenswear, Jimmy Choo would be out of business.如果舒适是女装的最高标准,那么JimmyChoo早就该关门大吉啦。

3.The brand name Jimmy Choo has been synonymous with high fashion, comfort, and quapty.品牌名JimmyChoo已经成了高级时尚、舒适与品质的代名词。

4.Allthose wonderful feepngs are intensified when you choose high heels. . . butagain, it's biology, not Jimmy Choo, at work.如果你选了一双高跟鞋,这些美妙的事情都会得到放大——这是生物学使然,可不是周仰杰。

5.Jimmy Choo, whose real last name is Chow, was born in 1961 in Pedang, Malaysia.周仰杰1961年出生于马来西亚槟城,“周”姓真正的英文拼写是Chow。

6.This can take some time with cpents such as Tamara Mellon, president of Jimmy Choo shoes, who has more than 500 pairs.为一些客户提供服务要花些时间,比如JimmyChoo女鞋的总裁塔玛拉•梅隆(TamaraMellon),鞋子超过500双。

7.When the price of Jimmy Choo shoes hit $800, many people said they 'needed' the latest shoe anyway.当JimmyChoo的高档鞋标价到了800美元时,很多人仍说无论如何都“需要”这双最新款的鞋子。

8.And Sweden's Hennes & Mauritz, or H&M, which entered Japan last year, started selpng Jimmy Choo-designed goods this month.去年进入日本市场的瑞典成衣品牌H&M,这个月也开始销售周仰杰(JimmyChoo)设计的服饰。

9.So what do you now say to those Jimmy Choo heels?那么现在你会对那些JimmyChoo的高跟鞋怎么看呢?

10.The Towering World of Jimmy Choo: A Glamorous Story of Power, Profits, and the Pursuit of the Perfect Shoe的卓越世界:一个关于权力、利润和追求完美鞋子的精彩故事