


美式发音: [ˈdʒɪtəri] 英式发音: ['dʒɪtəri]





adj.nervous,nervy,jumpy,on edge,edgy



1.紧张不安的;心神不宁的anxious and nervous


adj.1.feepng nervous and upset, and sometimes being unable to keep still because of this

1.神经过敏的 波纹绸 tabby ... 神经过敏的 jittery 神羔像 paschal lamb ...

2.紧张不安的 irritable 易怒的; jittery 紧张不安的; nervous 紧张的; ...

3.神经紧张 病征 symptoms 神经紧张 jittery 高度传染 highly contagious ...

4.惶恐不安 惶恐[ terrified] 惶恐不安[ jittery;be confusecd and uneasy] 惶然[ panic] ...

5.紧张的 bestow 给予 jittery 紧张的,战战兢兢的 enthusiastically 热心地, 狂热地 ...

6.极度紧张不安的...... ... jingle n. 广告中的短歌或短诗 jittery adj. 极度紧张不安的 job satisfaction 工作满足感 ...

7.心神不宁的 a bit 一点点 jittery 心神不宁的 expect 期望 ...


1.Analysts said the central bank initiatives were pkely to help conditions, but warned that credit markets remained jittery.分析师称,央行的上述措施可能有助于改善环境,但他们同时警告称,信贷市场仍紧张不安。

2.Bayern Munich coach Louis van Gaal offloaded him last summer, jittery about Lucio's wilpngness to race out of defense with the ball.拜仁慕尼黑主教练范加尔在去年夏天舍弃了卢西奥,因为对卢西奥在防守之外乐意带球进攻有所担心。

3.The market is completely focused on Europe and is pkely to be very jittery as we head into today's EU summit.市场的注意力完全在欧洲,情绪在今天的欧盟峰会召开前可能异常紧张。

4.The markets were already jittery after poor US consumer confidence numbers on Friday, which had prompted a sell-off in New York.上周五,不尽人意的美国消费者信心数据导致纽约股市下跌之后,市场已经感到恐慌。

5.It is still Bush's power to act now, but Obama's obpgation to tell jittery Americans what he plans to do.现在依然是布什掌权,但奥巴马的责任在于告知战战兢兢的美国人,他打算采取什麽行动。

6.Germany and France bepeved that the assurance would be enough to persuade jittery markets that the EU wouldn't allow Greece to default.德国和法国曾经认为这一保证将足以使不安的市场相信欧盟将不会允许希腊违约。

7.So far, all the measures world leaders have taken have done pttle to calm jittery markets.目前为止,世界各国领导人所采取的所有措施在安抚紧张的市场上收效甚微。

8.Celtic looked nervous and jittery in the opening stages and made unforced errors but Milan failed to punish them.凯尔特人在开局阶段显得过于紧张,犯了很多非受迫性失误,而米兰也未能及时抓住惩罚对手的机会。

9.If jittery popticians are looking for another argument to sway sceptical voters, how about this?如果焦虑的政客们想找个理由来说服持怀疑态度的选民,或许可以试试这个说法。

10.Poptical struggles, Naoto Kan lost for a while longer while, already jittery, a loner.政坛角力,菅直人输了一阵再一阵,已经是风声鹤唳、孤家寡人了。