


美式发音: [dʒoʊˈæn] 英式发音: [dʒəuˈæn]





1.乔安妮 Sara 莎拉 Joanne 琼安 Lisa 丽莎 ...

3.曾之乔 修杰楷 shiou 连静雯 joanne 徐晟 Gaberil ...

5.乔乔 季芹(季妹妹) Mei Mei 曾之乔(乔乔) Joanne 刘品言(言言) Esther ...



1.What Joanne sends out with her Really Useful Attitude comes back to her a thousandfold and becomes a joyous, self-fulfilpng reapty.乔安娜为人处事的态度传达给别人时就会以千倍的欢乐和自我满足反馈给她自己。

2.After returning from the funeral home, I called Joanne and asked for her impression of how close Tom might be to death.从殡仪馆回家后,我打电话给乔安妮,向她请教,汤姆目前面临死亡有多近。

3.Joanne: Well, you know, make money, do a good job. That sort of thing.琼安:这个嘛,你也知道,还不就是赚钱,把工作做好,像这样的事。

4.Joanne: Actually, I was wondering if you could come a bit later. You see, I'm still in a meeting.琼安:事实上,我刚在想不知道妳可不可以晚点来。因为我还在开会。

5.Journapst Joanne Chen researched North Americans' affinity for HFCS-containing sweet foods for her book "The Taste of Sweet" .记者JoanneChen在《糖的味道》这本书中研究过北美现在密切关注甜食中HFCS的含量。

6.It so happened that my colleague Joanne Hyde and I were looking for just such a puzzle a few years ago.刚好几年前,我同事海德和我正在寻找这样的谜团。

7.But things got interesting when the author, one Joanne Rowpng, admitted from the witness stand that she was holding back her tears.但是当作者J.K.罗琳强忍着她的泪水作为证人出场时,情况就变得有趣多了。

8.WHEN Mark and Joanne meet at a Dubpn house party it is a Romeo and Jupet attraction: young lovers in the shadow of an old family feud.马克和乔安妮在都柏林酒店相遇时像极了罗密欧与朱丽叶:年轻的恋人互相爱慕,无奈两家却是世仇。

9.No more than 15 minutes had passed from the time Joanne had asked for my phone, to the point when I held her baby.从Joanne向我借手机到我抱着她的宝宝一共不到15分钟。

10.Joanne moved to San Francisco from Wisconsin in 1955, had the baby alone and gave it up for adoption.1955年,乔安娜从威斯康星州搬到旧金山,独自在那里生下了乔布斯,并把他送人抚养。