


美式发音: ['keɪpət] 英式发音: ['keɪpət]






n.1.the most prominent part of something such as a bodily organ2.the head

1.头 capture 捕获 caput car knocker 列车检修工 ...

2.头部 capital ① 主要的,关键的 ②资本 caput头部 ②章,节 cardiac ① 心的 ②贲门 ...

3.人格权 Capitis deminutio minima 人格小更变 Caput 人格,民事资格 Casus 事变 ...

6.小头花 头状花形的 anthocephalous 头状花序;小头花 capitulum;caput 头状体 cephalodium ...

7.发音播放 ... intracortical osteosarcoma 皮质内骨肉瘤 caput 发音播放 sarcoma ossiricans 骨[化]性 …

8.按额津贴 GIRLS 女 CAPUT 按额津贴 DSS 直资 ...


1.The Caput ensemble (nine brass musicians, two organists, and a bassist along with various bells and electronics) performs the work.领奏团(九个黄铜管弦乐手,两个风琴手,一个低音乐手以及各种打击乐手和电音手)来完成这个表演。

2.China also doubled the per caput value of its agricultural output, which was far more than any other of the large producer countries.中国的农业产出也增长了一倍,远远高于其它农业生产大国。

3.Thesetwo sterol compounds were the first report to be extracted and isolated form H. caput-medusaeand they were both new natural compounds.这两个甾醇化合物为首次从小刺猴头菌中分离得到,并且都是新的天然化合物。

4.Seen here is " caput medusae" which consists of dilated veins seen on the abdomen of a patient with cirrhosis of the pver.如图所示,肝硬化患者腹部扩张的静脉侧支形成了“海蛇头”样表现。

5.Thin the was during a whole day of travelpng 'song the main highway into the delta from the former caput's Rangoon.而那是我从原首都曼谷沿着要紧的高速公路进入三角洲地区途中整整一天中的收获。

6.In per caput terms, India only expanded its agricultural production by 35 percent, again less than China.从人均产出来看,印度的农业生产只扩大了35%,低于中国。

7.Petechiae, ecchymoses, "pinch purpura, " and caput medusae are some of the vascular lesions associated with mapgnancies.瘀点、瘀斑、“拧捏性紫癜”和脐周静脉曲张是与某些恶性肿瘤有关的血管性损害。

8.Prdx6 was a novel epididymal protein presented in the luminal fluid of caput and cauda epididymidis.但是,乙酰唑胺作用并未引起附睾管腔液蛋白组份的改变;

9.Caput fibular grafts with monitoring-flap used to treat caput humeral big bone defect and reconstruct shoulder joint带监测皮岛的腓骨头移植修复肱骨头缺损重建肩关节

10.Experimental Research on the Cold Concentration Field in the Caput of a Circumfluence Combustor回流式燃烧室头部冷态浓度场实验研究