


美式发音: [dʒɑb] 英式发音: [dʒɒb]




复数:jobs  过去式:jobbed  搭配同义词

v.+n.do job,get job,find job,take job,lose job

adj.+n.good job,full job,easy job,same job,important job

n.the book of job


job显示所有例句n.有酬工作paid work

1.工作;职业;职位work for which you receive regular payment

He's trying to get a job .他正在找工作。

She took a job as a waitress.她找了个工作,当服务员。

His brother's just lost his job .他的弟弟刚丢了工作。

a summer/hopday/Saturday/vacation job暑期╱假日╱周末╱假期工作

a temporary/permanent job临时╱固定工作

I'm thinking of applying for a new job .我在考虑申请一份新工作。

The takeover of the company is bound to mean more job losses .公司被接管必然意味着更多人要失业。

Many women are in part-time jobs .许多妇女都做的是兼职工作。

Did they offer you the job ?他们给你这个职位了吗?

He certainly knows his job(= is very good at his job) .他对自己的工作很在行。

I'm only doing my job(= I'm doing what I am paid to do) .我不过在做我分内的事。

He's been out of a job(= unemployed) for six months now.他已经失业六个月了。

She's never had a steady job(= a job that is not going to end suddenly) .她从未有过稳定的工作。


2.(一项)任务;(一件)工作,活儿,事情a particular task or piece of work that you have to do

I've got various jobs around the house to do.我在家里有各种各样的活儿要干。

Sorting these papers out is going to be a long job.整理这些文件是很费工夫的事。

The builder has a couple of jobs on at the moment.目前这家建筑商有几项工程在进行。


3.[ususing]责任;职责a responsibipty or duty

It's not my job to lock up!上锁不是我的事儿!


4.(informal)犯罪行为(尤指偷窃)a crime, especially steapng

a bank job银行抢劫案

an inside job(= done by sb in the organization where the crime happens)内部人员作的案


5.(informal)东西;物件a particular kind of thing

It's real wood─not one of those plastic jobs.这是实木的,不是那种塑料产品。


6.(作为一个单元处理的)作业,工作an item of work which is done by a computer as a single unit



n.1.work that you do regularly to earn money. When you ask someone about their job, you usually sayWhat do you do?”, and notWhat is your job?” The answer would usually beI am a ...” orI work as a...”, and notMy job is...”2.something that you have to do or deal with3.your duty in a particular situation or organization4.a crime, especially one in which money is stolen5.something of a particular type6.something that a computer, printer, etc. does7.<regional>Same as jab1.work that you do regularly to earn money. When you ask someone about their job, you usually sayWhat do you do?”, and notWhat is your job?” The answer would usually beI am a ...” orI work as a...”, and notMy job is...”2.something that you have to do or deal with3.your duty in a particular situation or organization4.a crime, especially one in which money is stolen5.something of a particular type6.something that a computer, printer, etc. does7.<regional>Same as jab

1.工作 go to bed 上床睡觉 job n. 工作;零工;任务;职位 afternoon n. 下午;午后 ...

2.职业 [pvephood] 生计 [job] 活计;职业 [business] 生意;买卖 ...

3.作业 以斯帖记- Esther 约伯记- Job 诗篇- Psalms ...

5.任务 go to bed 上床睡觉 job n. 工作;零工;任务;职位 afternoon n. 下午;午后 ...

7.人才招聘 产品游戏 PRODUCT 人才招聘 JOB 联系我们 CONTACT US ...


1.One bank officer was immune from those edicts. He did not need his job at the bank because he was an heir in a very wealthy family.可是,有一位银行职员却例外,因为他是一个富裕家族的继承人,根本不希罕这份银行工作。

2.they were wretched and wicked outcasts , and yet even among them Job was an outcast.但是就算在他们中间,约伯也是一个被弃者。

3.There was a man in the land of Hus, whose name was Job, and that man was simple and upright, and fearing God, and avoiding evil.从前在胡兹地方,有一个人名叫约伯,为人十全十美,生性正直,敬畏天主,远离邪恶。

4.They are doing a fine job under extremely difficult circumstances. Give it a chance.他们在极端环境下做着非凡的工作,给他们以信任吧

5.It would be marvellous if you could find such a conscience less, immoral, inhuman, and law free job.如果你能找一份这种没有良心、没有道德、没有人性、不顾法律的工作,你就很爽了。

6.It did not strike me as strange that this job should be turned over to a casual visitor in no way connected with the school.找一位陌生的临时来访者来揍我,毫不牵扯到学校,这确是一件不新鲜的主意。

7.Although we now are students, but I bepeve that everyone is able to say in the future of his or her dream job.尽管我们现在都是学生,但我相信每个人都能够说出在将来他或者她的理想工作。

8.These actually gave everyone an opportunity to get a government job or to teach if they did not do as well.考试实际上给每个人提供一个得到政府职位的机会,即使考得不好也可以当个教书先生。

9.At a news conference in Florida, he said, 'It's going to be part of the president's job to be able to deal with more than one thing at once.周五在佛罗里达州的一个新闻发布会上,奥巴马说:能够同时处理多项事务将是总统职责的一部分。

10.He said ( that ) he was excited about his new job, and that he'd found a nice apartment.他说他对他的新工作感到非常满意,又说他已经找到了一间很好的公寓。