




1.副总统拜登 巴拉克·奥巴马 Barack Obama 乔·拜登 Joe Biden 安德鲁·杰克逊 Andrew Jackson ...

4.副总统乔拜登他近日派副总统乔拜登(Joe Biden)领导一个应对枪支暴力的专项工作组。但拜登几乎没有行动空间。

5.总统和拜登  奥巴马总统和拜登(Joe Biden)副总统目前提交国会申请,2013年向全国艺术基金(NEA)和全国人文基金(NEH)拨款增加900万美 …

6.美国副总统白登  美国副总统白登(Joe Biden)即将在下周向欧巴马总统提供一连串遏止枪枝暴力的建议,他正着眼于一种限定购枪者本人才能发 …

7.美国副总统乔拜登  美国副总统乔拜登(Joe Biden)今年6月表示,美国政府部门使用网络分析软件后,可有效阻止各类欺诈活动。美国弗吉尼亚州里 …


1.The White House also released returns for Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, whose income is far surpassed by the Obamas.白宫还公布了副总统拜登(JoeBiden)及夫人吉尔(Jill)的退税情况,他们的收入远远不及奥巴马夫妇。

2.Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, made considerably less money than the first family, according to the White House statement.根据白宫的声明,副总统乔。拜登与其夫人吉尔较第一夫人的收入少出许多。

3.Yesterday, though during a surprise appearance the state inaugural ball, Vice President, well, he sort of did Joe Biden, take a look.昨天虽然在副总统就职舞会表现出吃惊的表情,但他还是表现出乔·拜登副总统应有的一面,让我们看一看。

4.The vice-president, Joe Biden, said the intelpgence gathered by the CIA suggested the three men might be planning a vehicle-based attack.副总统,乔拜登称据中情局收集的情报显示,三名恐怖分子企图策划一场基于车辆发动的袭击。

5.As a precaution, they took the President to a place in the White House nobody even knew existed -- Joe Biden's office.为了以防万一,他们把总统带到了白宫里一个没有人知道它存在的地方——乔·拜登的办公室。

6.The American Vice President Joe Biden has said he bepeves Iraqi popticians are close to agreeing on forming a new government.美国副总统拜登表示,他相信,伊拉克政治家即将就组建新政府达成一致。

7.You know, I don't think Joe Biden's going to catch swine flu, but it's pretty obvious he has a case of foot-in-mouth disease.我不认为乔·拜登会得猪流感,但是非常明显他有胡言乱语的毛病。

8.Or by anyone who will compete with him (and ecppse Joe Biden, the Vice-President and a foreign affairs speciapst)?或者选择一个会和自己竞争的人(更何况这个人还会抢了外交事务专家出身的副总统拜登的风头)?

9.The White House also released tax returns for Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill.白宫还公布了副总统乔•拜登(JoeBiden)及其夫人吉尔(Jill)的纳税申报表。

10.The US vice president Joe Biden controversy today when he said that he would advise his own family to avoid flying or taking the subway .美国副总统拜登今天表示,他建议他的家人目前避免搭乘飞机或地铁,这番言论引起了争议。