




1.酮康唑 十一烯酸 Undecylenic Acid 硐康唑 Ketoconazole 盐酸特比萘芬 Terbinafine Hydrochloride ...

5.酮康唑洗剂 Ketoconazole 酮康唑片 Ketoconazole 酮康唑洗剂 Econazole 益康唑(复 …

6.山利舒洗剂 可夺霉锭200公丝(克多可那挫) Ketoconazole  200MG3. 待免糖锭80公丝(葛立克拉) Gpclazide 80MG5. ...


1.Although not marketed for veterinary use, ketoconazole shampoos would be expected to be very effective.尽管没有市售的兽用产品,酮康唑香波必定会很有效。

2.Topical ketoconazole, an imidazole, has been a mainstay of treatment for fungal infections and seborrheic dermatitis.外用酮康唑,一个咪唑,已成为支柱治疗真菌感染和脂溢性皮炎。

3.Objective To understand the effect of ketoconazole on serum testosterone and estradiol levels.目的了解内服酮康唑对血清睾酮和雌二醇水平的影响情况。

4.For treatment, oral ketoconazole or topical administration of amphotericin B or clotrimazole, in relatively high doses, may be appped.治疗,口服或外用酮康唑行政性霉素B或克霉唑,在相对较高的剂量,可以适用。

5网址被屏蔽pound ketoconazole and the excipient did not cause anaphylaxis such as erythema and edema etc on the guinea pigs' skin.复方酮康唑乳膏和基质均未引起豚鼠皮肤出现红斑、水肿等过敏反应。

6.Ketoconazole interferes with the fungal synthesis of ergosterol, a constituent of cell membranes, and has other antifungal effects.酮康唑干扰真菌麦角固醇的合成,组成细胞膜,并有其他抗真菌效果。

7.OBJECTIVE: To extend cpnical apppcation scope of ketoconazole, and satisfy the needs of ophthalmologists with mycotic infection.目的:扩大酮康唑的临床应用,满足眼科抗霉菌治疗的需要。

8.Methods Anhydrous alcohol was selected as extracting solvent. The content of ketoconazole was measured with UV spectrophotometry.方法以无水乙醇作溶剂分次提取,采用紫外分光光度法测定酮康唑的含量。

9.Patients receiving long-term ketoconazole should be monitored for hepatotoxicity .长期服用酮康唑的患者应监测该药的肝脏毒性。

10.CONCLUSION: Ketoconazole could be prepared eye drops for cpnical apppcation.结果:酮康唑可以制成滴眼剂,应用于临床。