


美式发音: [ˈdʒɑɡər] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɒɡə(r)]



复数:joggers  同义词

n.runner,sprinter,cross-country runner,harrier,athlete



1.[c]慢跑锻炼者a person who jogs regularly for exercise

2.[pl](柔软宽松、腰间有松紧带的)运动裤,运动短裤soft loose trousers/pants, with elastic at the waist, that you wear for doing exercise in


n.1.someone who jogs

1.慢跑者 golfer 打高尔夫球的人 jogger 慢跑者 reduce 减少;缩小 ...

2.顶杆 jog strainer 平板筛浆机,平筛 jogger 摆动码纸器,顶杆 joggle 摇动;摆动;摆齐 ...

3.摆动码纸器 jog strainer 平板筛浆机,平筛 jogger 摆动码纸器,顶杆 joggle 摇动;摆动;摆齐 ...

4.慢跑的人 ... jog 慢跑 jogger 慢跑的人 knob 门把手 ...

5.慢跑人n)的逻辑的更好的图景了,它将身体作为一个“记忆的撞纸机(jogger)”,较之那些关于手势、姿态和语言的复杂性——简单的 …

8.推杆 jodhpurs 短马靴 jogger 推杆 jogging machine 闯纸机 ...


1.A jogger makes his way along the promenade at Southsea seafront, Portsmouth.一名慢跑者沿着普茨茅斯南海海滨散步广场艰难跑着。

2.Then I read about a nationally famous jogger who died of a heart attack while jogging, and I had something else to worry about.然后我闻悉死于心脏病发作,当跑步时,并且我有忧虑的其他的一位全国性著名慢跑者。

3.Ireland looks pke an abstemious jogger that has suffered a heart attack.爱尔兰看起来像是一个有节制的慢跑者犯了场心脏病。

4.The Baby Jogger Car Seat Adaptor is one of the most important accessories you will ever purchase for your stroller.婴儿慢跑者的汽车安全座椅适配器是最重要的配件,你将永远为您童车购买之一。

5."The difference between a jogger and a runner is an entry blank. "“慢跑者和跑步者的不同是一张报名表”

6.If you don't, here's what can happen! This jogger looks pke she's going to run right out of the picture.如果不这样做,就是这种效果!图中的慢跑者看起来马上要向右跑出画面。

7.The jogger made an analytical analogy between the ecology and geology .慢跑者在生态学和地质学之间进行了分析类比。

8.Apple's iPod and Nike's running shoes can interconnect so that the music player can select songs that match the jogger's pace.苹果公司的ipod和耐克公司的跑鞋可以相互合作,这样,音乐播放器就可以选择适合跑步者节奏的音乐。

9.The one where you were the jogger.你那一次演的是一个慢跑的人

10.The jogger did an analytical analogy in with the ecology and geology.慢跑者在生态学和地质学之间停止了考虑类比。