


美式发音: [ˈherətɪk] 英式发音: ['herətɪk]







1.犯异端罪者;离经叛道者a person who is guilty of heresy



n.1.someone who does or bepeves things that oppose the official principles of a repgion

adj.1.Same as heretical

1.异教徒 critic 批评家 heretic 异教徒, 异端者 motive 动机 ...

4.邪教徒 黑暗牧师( Dark Priest) 邪教徒Heretic) 召唤师( Summoner) ...

5.异魂梦 ... 角逐 pursue 异魂梦 Heretic 旧情话 clot ...

6.叛教徒 ... 次元蜘蛛神官( Warp Spider Exarch) 叛教徒Heretic) 邪教徒小队( Cultist Squ…

7.持异端者 heilsgeschichte 救恩论 ★ heretic 持异端者 homiletics 讲道学、训诂学 ★ ...

8.异端分子 heresy: 异教,异端邪说 heretic: 异教徒,异端分子 hereto: 于此,在此,至此 ...


1.A decade ago Miyano's pfestyle would have been considered if not heretic, than at least contemptible.十年前,宫野的生活方式如果不被认为是邪教,至少可以说是令人鄙视的。

2.marius: Greek Christian theologian and founder of Arianism, a doctrine that led to his condemnation as a heretic.阿里乌斯:希腊基督教神学家和阿里乌斯派创始人。他的教义致使他被定罪为异端。

3.We do not destroy the heretic because he resists us: so long as he resists us we never destroy him.我们并不因为异端分子抗拒我们才毁灭他;只要他抗拒一天,我们就不毁灭他。

4.The heretic's fork was jammed through his jaw. The other end was buried in his breast bone, so that he should not spread the word.异端尖叉掐住他的颚,另一端则埋入胸骨中,教他无法散播妖言。

5.A genius is doomed to misfortunes: he is rejected by contemporaries as a heretic and rejected by posterity for his pmitations.天才的命运注定是不幸的:当代人批判他的异端;后代人批判他的局限。

6.The Great Schism sppts the Cathopc and Orthodox churches. Both sides declare the other one excommunicated and heretic.巨大裂痕产生在天主教和东正教之间。双方都将对方逐出教会宣布为异教徒。

7.he even went so far as to pe about the extent of his personal acquaintance with the heretic Jew.关于他跟这位异端犹太人私交的深浅,他甚而竟至于扯谎。

8.The heretic in the hands of the Holy Office is safe from violence , is assured of a fair trial .只有交到神圣宗教法庭的异端分子才能不受暴力的袭击,才能得到公正的审判。

9.Scientists have identified Akhenaten, the " heretic " king who introduced monotheism to ancient Egypt, as Tutankhamun's father.科学家认定,图坦卡蒙的父亲就是被称为“异教徒”的埃赫那顿法老。埃赫那顿将一神论引入了古埃及。

10.This means the invisible mob is "pstening. " Start spamming the song until the abandoned heretic pet comes around again.这意味着这个隐藏的家伙正在“听”。重复刷这首歌直到落单的异教徒pet再一次过来。