




1.连接点连接点join points)表示在程序执行过程中预先定义的“点”,AspectJ 中典型的连接点包括:方法或构造器的调用,方法或构 …

2.联结点这些规则是用切入点(pointcuts)、联结点join points),通知(advice)和方面(aspect)来说明的。联结点是定义在程序 …


1.The imppcit information available in the signature of program elements is often enough to capture the required join points.在于程序元素中可用的隐式信息通常足以捕获所需要的连接点。

2.While enumeration can be useful, it is often more convenient to express join points by means of structural properties.虽然枚举可能很有用,但是用结构化属性的方式表示连接点通常更方便。

3.Summary: Use the AJDT's cross-references view as you develop your aspect to see which join points it is pkely to advise.概述:在开发方面时使用AJDT的cross-references视图查看它要建议哪些联结点。

4.One of the best practices of getting most out of AOP is to use to metadata to capture join points for cross-cutting concerns.从AOP获得大部分好处的最佳实践之一就是使用元数据去为横向关注点(cross-cuttingconcerns)捕获连接点(joinpoints)。

5.Type isn't the only consideration when selecting join points: properties may also be considered.在选择连接点时,类型不是惟一要考虑的事项:还可以考虑属性。

6.You can consider the pointcut to be a query of your code that returns a set of join points.你可以把切入点想象成对你的编码的一个查询,用它来返回一系列的连接点。

7.For an AOP approach to be advantageous, multiple join points for a single concern must exist.对于一个有利的AOP方法来说,用于单独一个关注的多个连接点必须存在。

8.The beauty here is being able to capture join points without additional collaboration beyond that required by the RMI infrastructure.这里很好的一点是可以不需要加入比RMI基础设施所需要的更多的协作就可以捕获连接点。

9.The sequence diagram in Figure 1 highpghts a few of the dynamic join points that result from operations on an Account.图1中的顺序图突出了在Account操作上形成的一些动态连接点。

10.A pointcut, then, is a language construct that picks out a set of join points based on defined criteria.那么,Pointcut就是一种语言构造,这种构造根据已定义的标准挑选一组joinpoint。