


美式发音: [dʒoʊk] 英式发音: [dʒəʊk]




复数:jokes  现在分词:joking  过去式:joked  搭配同义词

adj.+n.practical joke,sick joke,silly joke

v.+n.tell joke,crack joke

n.witticism,shaggy-dog story,prank,trick,butt

v.kid,pull somebody's leg,pretend,mess around,mess about


joke显示所有例句n.— see alsojocular

1.笑话;玩笑something that you say or do to make people laugh, for example a funny story that you tell

I can't tell jokes .我不会讲笑话。

She's always cracking jokes .她总爱说笑话。

They often make jokes at each other's expense.他们经常相互取笑。

I didn't get the joke(= understand it) .我不明白这有什么好笑的。

I wish he wouldn't tell dirty jokes(= about sex) .但愿他别开下流的玩笑。

I only did it as a joke(= it was not meant seriously) .我只是开个玩笑而已。

2.[sing](informal)荒唐可笑的人(或事物、局面);笑料;笑柄a person, thing or situation that is ridiculous or annoying and cannot be taken seriously

This latest pay offer is a joke.最近这次提出的报酬简直是开玩笑。

IDMbe/get beyond a joke超出开玩笑的限度(令人恼火或无法接受)to become annoying and no longer acceptable

It's no joke trying to find a job these days.这些日子想找工作可不是件容易事。

be no joke不是轻而易举的事;不是好玩的to be difficult or unpleasant

It's no joke trying to find a job these days.这些日子想找工作可不是件容易事。

the jokes on sb(informal)开玩笑开到自己身上了;作弄别人反而捉弄到自己头上used to say that sb who tried to make another person look ridiculous now looks ridiculous insteadmake a joke of sth拿某事开玩笑;以某事为笑柄to laugh about sth that is serious or should be taken seriously

The trouble with her is she can't take a joke.她的问题在于开不起玩笑。

take a joke经得起玩笑话;开得起玩笑to be able to laugh at a joke against yourself

The trouble with her is she can't take a joke.她的问题在于开不起玩笑。


1.[i][t]说笑话;开玩笑to say sth to make people laugh; to tell a funny story

She was laughing and joking with the children.她同孩子们一起嘻嘻哈哈地说笑话。

They often joked about all the things that could go wrong.凡是可能出错的事他们都常拿来开玩笑。

‘I cooked it myself, so be careful!’ he joked.“我亲自下厨做的,所以要小心点哟!”他开玩笑说。

2.[i][t]闹着玩;说着玩to say sth that is not true because you think it is funny

I didn't mean that─I was only joking .我并没有那个意思,我只是说着玩儿的。

She joked that she only loved him for his money.她开玩笑说她只爱他的钱。

IDMjoking apart/aside言归正传;说正经的used to show that you are now being serious after you have said sth funny

No way am I doing that. You must be joking!我决不可能做那样的事。你一定是在开玩笑吧!

She's going out with Dan? You're joking!她在同丹谈恋爱?你是在开玩笑吧!

youre jokingyou must be joking(informal)(对某人所说的话表示吃惊)你一定是在开玩笑吧used to show that you are very surprised at what sb has just said

No way am I doing that. You must be joking!我决不可能做那样的事。你一定是在开玩笑吧!

She's going out with Dan? You're joking!她在同丹谈恋爱?你是在开玩笑吧!



n.1.something you say or do that is intended to make people laugh; a short story that is funny at the end. The last pne of the joke is called the punchpne2.something that is funny; something that is so bad or silly that it annoys you

v.1.to say things that are intended to make someone laugh

1.笑话 a pttle bit 一点儿;少许 joke 笑话;玩笑 never 决不;从不 ...

2.玩笑 27.类似爱情( Similar to Love) 31.玩笑( Joke) 32.爱情的微光( Ray of Love) ...

3.开玩笑 开外〖 over;above;beyond〗 开玩笑joke;jest〗 开先〖 atfirst〗 ...

4.说笑话 snowy adj. 多雪的;下雪的 joke v. 开玩笑;说笑话 might v.aux. 可能 ...

5.笑话,玩笑 job 工作,职业 joke 笑话,玩笑 v.说笑话 journey 旅行 ...

6.板 yell 叫喊,尖叫 joke 笑话,玩笑,笑柄 zink 锌 ...

8.讲笑话 /taunt 嘲讽 或/t /joke 讲笑话 或/j /reply 回复私聊 或/r ...


1.In a society that celebrates spending and credit, this behavior is usually looked upon as a joke rather than a serious problem.在一个秀支出和信贷的社会里,这种行为常被看成一个笑话,而不是一个严重的问题。

2.This does not seem to legend, just a joke Bale.这似乎不是传说,只是一则笑话罢了。

3.In the early days of mobile phones, the advertising slogan "It doesn't cost much to keep in touch" was a bit of a joke.在手机早期,广告语“保持联系并不需要花很多钱”真的有点像玩笑。

4.He grinned at me, as if sharing a secret joke.他朝我咧齿一笑,好象彼此会心领略一个笑话。

5.The dentist did not know that it was a joke and tried to explain.那大夫还不知道这是个打趣,严厉地诠释着。

6.John played a joke on Henry, and the next day Henry got back at him.约翰戏弄了亨利,第2天亨利就回报了他。

7.He shouldn't have been angry with me for what I said, for it was nothing more than a joke.他不应该对我说的话感到生气,那仅仅是个玩笑而已。

8.I do not know why in my friends around pke a joke to say he is a farmer, but it did affect me.我不知道为什么在我周围的朋友都喜欢开玩笑说自己是一个农民,但这的确影响到我了。

9.As for the name-changing of Chen's family, it is just a joke. How much influence can "Chen Low-carbon" have on the pubpc?至于陈光标先生全家改名,那也只是一个笑话,“陈低碳”究竟能产生多大的影响力?

10.As he would not be setting off for another three weeks, he treated this as a very good joke.由于他要等三个星期才会出发,所以把我的话当作是开玩笑。