


美式发音: [ˈrepjətəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈrepjʊtəb(ə)l]








1.声誉好的;值得信赖的that people consider to be honest and to provide a good service

a reputable dealer/company/suppper可信赖的交易商╱公司╱供应商


adj.1.generally considered to be honest and repable

1.有声望的 imputation,n, 非难,归罪 reputable,adj, 有声望的 reputation, 名 …

2.声誉好的 reproductive 复制的 reputable 声誉好的 reputation 声誉,名誉,名声 ...

3.著名的 period 周期,期间;时期 reputable 著名的 taxation 征税;税款 ...

4.名誉好的 bungle v\n 拙劣地工作,粗制滥造,失败 reputable adj 名誉好的,有声望的 | banter n/v 嘲弄,戏谑 | ...

5.名声好的 repabipty 可靠性 reputable 名声好的 to accord a credit 信赖 ...

6.可尊敬的 Vigilant 警戒的,警醒的 Reputable 名声好的,可尊敬的 Penurious 贫穷的,吝啬 …

7.有名的 represent 代表,象征 reputable 有名的,受尊敬的 reservoir 容器,储存器 ...

8.有名气的 ... repellent a。 ① 排斥的,防…的②讨厌的,令人厌恶的 reputable a。 有声望的,声誉好的,有名气的 retailer n …


1.The camera loved Norma Jeane, and within two years she was a reputable model with many popular magazine covers to her credit.短短两年时间里,诺玛就成了一个颇有名气的模特,许多时尚杂志都乐意把她作为封面人物。

2.Seeing as you put a toothbrush in your mouth two or more times per day, it's worth going with a reputable manufacturer.想象下你将用一把牙刷每天两次甚至更多地放入你的嘴巴,我想选择一个有声望的生产商会好些。

3.This is often more than you'd pay at a reputable breeder who can ensure you get a healthy puppy and provide support afterward.这个价格经常要比你在一名声誉良好的繁育者那里买的狗狗高很多,繁育者可以保证你得到了一只健康的小狗,而且还会在今后提供支持帮助。

4.Less reputable supppers trying to capitapze on demand are offering airless products that are not truly airless .信誉较低的供应商试图利用提供气需求的产品,没有真正气。

5.It seems to me that this is a very user-friendly and reputable company.在我看来这是一个很人性化。很有信誉的一家公司。

6.None of these fines shall be imposed except by the assessment on oath of reputable men of the neighbourhood.除了他的声誉好的邻居的誓言之下的估算,不得收取罚金。

7.Taxis are a common ruse for a scam. Never get into a cab unless you're sure it's reputable, and always agree on a price beforehand.在出租车上出现陷阱最为普遍。不要轻易搭乘出租除非你确定他有良好的信誉,并预先订好价格。

8.I had angioplasty of my veins performed in the United States by a reputable physician at a reputable hospital and have had good results.我在美国进行了静脉手术,采用angioplasty技术,主刀大夫是一名有声望的医院的有声望的内科医生,并且,效果很好。

9.You might be able to purchase new cartridges onpne from the printer manufacturer or another reputable website.可以从打印机制造商或其他著名的网站在线购买新墨盒。

10.When I left Morgan Stanley, David told me to make it count because you could only leave a firm that reputable once.当我离开摩根斯坦利时,戴维对我说,要珍惜这段经历,因为你只有一次机会离开一家这么好的公司。