


美式发音: 英式发音: [dʒəʊv]




joveIDMby Jove(informal)(表示惊奇或加强语气)啊,哎呀used to express surprise or to emphasize a statement


n.1.[Roman Myths]Same as Jupiter

1.朱庇特 joust 枪术比赛 Jove 朱庇特主神 ... The Round Table 圆桌 ...

3.嘉宇 中联、 ZOOMLION 九五JOVE 金贵( JINGUI) ...

6.乔夫. ... 22.Kyne 凯恩(意思:尊贵的) 23.Jove 杰夫(意思:带来欢乐者) 24.Isaac 艾萨克(意思: …

8.约维① 约维Jove),即朱庇特。② 对叙利亚的安提奥库斯三世的战争(公元前 191— 公元前 188 年)。


1.At last , bearing in her arms the infant progeny of Jove , she reached Lycia, weary with her burden and parched with thirst .最后她来到吕西亚,怀里抱着朱庇特幼小的子嗣,疲乏不堪,口渴难耐。

2.They bepeved that Jove commanded by signs, that such signs were real words, and that nature was the language of Jove.他们相信天帝用些记号来发号施令,这些记号就是实物文字,自然界就是天帝的语言。

3.and accept a ransom for her, in reverence to Apollo, son of Jove.请收下这份赎礼,以表示对阿波罗——宙斯之子的崇敬。

4.It is impossible that bodies should be minds, yet it was bepeved that the thundering sky was Jove.说躯体就是心灵,这就是不可能,可是人们毕竟相信过打雷的天空就是天帝。

5.BY JOVE is a Slang expression used as a mild oath to express surprise or emphasis.用作温和的咒骂语,表示惊讶或强调。

6.But for the theological poets Jove was no higher than the mountain peaks.但是照神学诗人们看,天帝约夫并不比山峰高。

7.By Jove, it's a wall, " said Peter. " An old stone wall.天哪!那儿有一堵墙!“彼得吃了一惊,”一堵古老的石墙!

8.Thunderbolt sped by Jove 's right hand sought out the height.朱庇特右手发射的霹雳总是寻找高处。

9.Colonel: By Jove , strange, strange indeed.上校:哎哟,奇怪,真是怪事。

10.I meditate for half an hour, by Jove I feel better.我冥想了半个小时,天哪,我感觉好多了。