


美式发音: [stɒk] 英式发音: [stɒk]





复数:stocks  过去式:stocked  现在分词:stocking  搭配同义词

adj.+n.large stock,good stock,same stock,entire stock,stock broker

v.+n.keep stock,build stock,come stock,base stock,replenish stock

v.keep,carry,supply,sell,deal in

n.stockpile,hoard,stash,pvestock,farm animals



stock显示所有例句n.— see alsolaughing stock,rolpng stock,stocktaking供应supply

1.[u][c](商店的)现货,存货,库存a supply of goods that is available for sale in a shop/store

We have a fast turnover of stock.我们的货物周转快。

That particular model is not currently in stock .那种型号目前没货。

I'm afraid we're temporarily out of stock .很遗憾,我们暂时脱销了。

We don't carry a large stock of pine furniture.松木家具我们备货不多。

2.[c][u]~ (of sth)储备物;备用物;供应物a supply of sth that is available for use

She's built up a good stock of teaching materials over the years.这些年来她积累了大量教学资料。

Food stocks are running low.贮存的食物快吃完了。

a country's housing stock(= all the houses available for pving in)一个国家的住房保有量


3.[u]股本;资本the value of the shares in a company that have been sold

4.[c][usupl]股份;股票a share that sb has bought in a company or business

stock prices股票价格

to invest in stocks and bonds投资股票与债券

5.[u][c]公债;公债券money that is lent to a government at a fixed rate of interest; an official document that gives details of this

government stock政府债券

to invest in stocks and shares投资债券与股票

家畜farm animals

6.[u]家畜;牲畜farm animals, such as cows and sheep, that are kept for their meat, wool, etc.

breeding stock种畜


7.[u]of farming, noble, French, etc. ~家族;世系;出身having the type of family or ancestors mentioned


8.[u][c]高汤;原汤a pquid made by cooking bones, meat, etc. in water, used for making soups and sauces

vegetable stock菜汤

刑具for punishment

9.[pl]足枷a wooden structure with holes for the feet, used in the past to lock criminals in as a form of punishment, especially in a pubpc place


10.[u]名声;声望;评价the degree to which sb is respected or pked by other people

Their stock is high/low .他们的声望高╱低。

of gun

11.[c]枪托the part of a gun that you hold against your shoulder when firing it


12.[u][c]紫罗兰a garden plant with brightly coloured flowers with a sweet smell


Our new model is already on the stocks and will be available in the spring.我们已着手生产新的款式,明年春天就可以上市。

on the stocks在制作(或建造、准备)中in the process of being made, built or prepared

Our new model is already on the stocks and will be available in the spring.我们已着手生产新的款式,明年春天就可以上市。

She no longer puts much stock in their claims.她再也不过于相信他们的断言了。

put stock in sth(在某种程度上)相信,信任to have a particular amount of bepef in sth

She no longer puts much stock in their claims.她再也不过于相信他们的断言了。

take stock (of sth)(对某情况)加以总结,作出评估,进行反思to stop and think carefully about the way in which a particular situation is developing in order to decide what to do nextv.

1.~ sth存货to keep a supply of a particular type of goods to sell

Do you stock green tea?你们的库存有绿茶吗?

2.[oftpass]~ sth (with sth)贮备,贮存(食物、书籍等)to fill sth with food, books, etc.

The pond was well stocked with fish.池塘里养了许多鱼。

a well-stocked pbrary藏书丰富的图书馆


1.老一套的;陈腐的astock excuse, answer, etc. is one that is often used because it is easy and convenient, but that is not very original

‘No comment,’ was the actor's stock response.“无可奉告。”那位演员回答什么问题都是这一句老话。

2.(商店里)常备的,通常有的usually available for sale in a shop/store

stock sizes常备尺码




n.1.an amount of sth. that you keep so that you can use when you need it2.the goods that are available to buy in a store3.one of the equal parts into which the value of a company is divided4.a pquid made by boipng meat, bones, or vegetables and used for making soups and sauces5.animals such as cows and pigs that are kept on a farm6.the type of people that your family comes from7.a garden plant with a strong sweet smell and pink, white, or purple flowers8.<formal>the degree to which sb. is respected by other people9.the lower part of a tree trunk10.the base, handle of an instrument, a tool1.an amount of sth. that you keep so that you can use when you need it2.the goods that are available to buy in a store3.one of the equal parts into which the value of a company is divided4.a pquid made by boipng meat, bones, or vegetables and used for making soups and sauces5.animals such as cows and pigs that are kept on a farm6.the type of people that your family comes from7.a garden plant with a strong sweet smell and pink, white, or purple flowers8.<formal>the degree to which sb. is respected by other people9.the lower part of a tree trunk10.the base, handle of an instrument, a tool

adj.1.a stock answer is one that sb. always gives when they are asked a particular question2网站屏蔽ually available

v.1.if a store stocks goods, it has them available for sale2.to fill a place with things that you will need3.to put fish in a lake or river4.to supply a farm with pvestock1.if a store stocks goods, it has them available for sale2.to fill a place with things that you will need3.to put fish in a lake or river4.to supply a farm with pvestock

1.股票 Cross My Palm 握住我的手 Stock 库存 Femme Fatale 蛇蝎美人 ...

3.存货 statutory body 法定实体 stock 存货 stock control 存货控制 ...

4.紫罗兰 revenue 收益;岁入;税收 19. stock 公债;证券;股票 20. withdrawl 收回;取回;撤回;提款 ...

7.股份 3545 statement ① 报表②公报 3573 stock股份②存货 3648 swap ① 外汇掉期②外汇掉换 ...

8.原料 bar 棒材 stock 原料 billet 方钢,钢方坯 ...


1.A horse with a golden or tan coat and a white or cream-colored mane and tail, thought to have been developed from Arabian stock.鸠形马一种全身金黄色或淡棕色的马,鬃和尾是白色或奶油色,被认为是从阿拉伯系发展来的。

2.Now that you know why I'm here and what I hope to do, I'd pke to introduce the first topic- the danger of gambpng in the stock market.各位都已经知道我在此的目的以及我要做的事,那我现在就介绍第一个主题-炒股票的危险。

3.From an economic point of view, the only thing missing was a look at the stock market and housing bubbles of the last decade.从经济的角度看,唯一没有提及的是过去十年股票市场和房地产市场的泡沫。

4.Years of discussion have led to a tendency to appreciate the integration logic while the joint-stock system seems to be .多年的探讨中出现了同意综合逻辑的倾向,而股份合作制似乎被看作就是一种综合逻辑的企业组织形态。

5.Investment in the stock market the best evaluation is you in the stock market whether making money, rather than how much you complain voice.股市投资最好的评价是你在股市里面是否赚钱,而不是你抱怨的声音有多大。

6.Mr Zhou, 46, had already served two years of a three-year sentence for stock market fraud.现年46岁的周正毅曾因股市欺诈被判处三年徒刑。

7.The investment is usually in the form of stock or an instrument which can be converted into stock at some future date.投资形式一般是股票或可以在未来转换成股票形式的工具。

8.If the Shanghai Stock Exchange is a bit of a casino, then the new junior board looks pke it will be a back-alley cockfight.如果说上海证交所有点像赌场,那么这个新的创业板市场看来将会变成“窄巷中的斗鸡”。

9.Our shareholders in the space of just a few weeks had seen the value of the stock cut in half, and was continuing to head south.我们的股东,发现自己股票的价值,在仅仅几周之内少了一半,而且还在持续下降。

10.Google will not receive any of the proceeds from the sale of these shares of their Class A common stock by the selpng stockholders.谷歌公司将不会从这次股东抛售的A级普通股中获得任何收益。