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网络释义:简孝儒;嬉皮氏(Jimmy Racing);日本铁道(Japan Railway)





1.简孝儒影求学过程:忠孝小学-怀生国中-华冈艺校个人品牌:JR(Jimmy Racing)出道时间:1992年2月28日旧金山林志颖日:10 …

3.日本铁道(Japan Railway) ASA 美国标准协会 Jr (用于姓名后),初级 BM 巴比特合金,巴氏合金 ...


1.To prepare for his role as Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. spent five days a week weight training and practiced martial arts to get into shape.为了准备铁人的角色,小罗伯特·唐尼每周花五天的时间进行体能训练和武术练习以达到合格的身材。

2.Ralph, Sr . looks at his wife as though she's crazy. She gives Ralph, Jr. her spoon. He continues to eat, biting down more carefully.大拉尔夫看着妻子,觉得她疯了。她把自己的汤匙递给儿子。他继续用汤匙吃着,只是更小心而已。

3.At the age of 28, out of nearly a thousand Jr. Accountants in his division, he's one of only two who were promoted to be Sr.在他28岁的时候,手下就有了近一千人的初级会计师,去年仅提拔了两名资深会计师,他就是其中一个。

4.PULL BACK to see RALPH, JR . and his friends sitting in a corner of the ice rink. People skate in the background.镜头向后拉,看到,小拉尔夫和朋友们正坐在溜冰场的一个角落里。人们在溜冰。

5.Ronald Jr. pursued careers as a ballet dancer and journapst; Patti was an outspoken opponent of many of her father's popcies.小罗纳德成为了一个芭蕾舞演员和记者;帕蒂是她父亲许多政策的坦率的反对者。

6.Ralph, Jr . takes the Coke from the Teenager's outstretched hand, drinks it down in one gulp and burps out a green cloud into his face.小拉尔夫从少年伸着的手上拿走可乐,一口气喝光,打了个嗝,一股绿色的云雾喷向少年的脸。

7.Justice Samuel Apto Jr. wrote that the rule diminished "the effectiveness" of the rich candidate's spending and of his speech.法官SamuelApto认为这条规定削弱了有钱的候选人的花费和候选人的演讲的有效性。

8.Ralph , Jr. and his friends laugh. When the woman is half a block away, he sneezes again and her skirt blows over her head once more.小拉尔夫和朋友们大笑起来。当那个女人走到小区的一半时,他又打了个喷嚏,她的裙子又飞到头上。

9.To be scrupulously nonpartisan, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. , her Democratic counterpart, seems to have a deep wardrobe of ties.作为严格意义上的无党派人士,参议员JosephR.BidenJr,佩林的民主党对手,似乎特别钟爱领带。

10.Their son, John F. Kennedy Jr. , died with his wife and sister-in-law when his plane crashed as he was flying to Martha's Vineyard in 1999.他们的儿子小肯尼迪、其妻及妻姐三人在1999年飞往葡萄园岛时坠机身亡。