


美式发音: [ˈlunəsi] 英式发音: [ˈluːnəsi]






1.愚蠢的行为;疯狂behaviour that is stupid or crazy

It's sheer lunacy driving in such weather.天气这样糟糕还开车,真是疯了。

2.精神病;精神错乱;精神失常mental illness


n.1.stupid and possibly dangerous ideas or behavior2.mental illness

1.精神失常 languid a. 精神不振的;无兴趣的 lunacy n. 精神失常;疯癫 mettle n. 勇气;精神 ...

2.疯狂 lumpish 笨拙的 lunacy 疯狂,愚行 lunt 火把;烟;热水汽;烟火 ...

3.精神错乱关注的小亮点是几部定格电影的放映,首当其冲的就是《梦魇疯人院》(Lunacy),来自于这个类型的大师,捷克斯洛伐克 …

7.疯狂疗养院 lumpish 笨拙的 lunacy 疯狂,愚行 lunt 火把;烟;热水汽;烟火 ...


1.However, stating ozone has no known medical uses is nothing short of sheer lunacy.不过,声明没有已知的臭氧医疗用途是什么精神病短十足。

2.Bepef does not make for good science, however. And despite the newfound numbers, Wells doesn't know what sort of lunacy is at play.然而,仅仅是信念,对科学研究并无帮助。尽管有了最新的研究成果,威尔斯并不知道是什么魔手在主导这一切。

3.A new poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal and NBC news provides another example of this. Let's consider some of the lunacy.《华尔街日报》和NBC(全国广播公司)实施的一个新的调查问卷为此提供了又一个例证.我们来看看这些无稽之谈。

4.tried to jump out of the fortieth-floor window in a moment of utter lunacy .在突发的精神失常中试图从四楼的窗户跳出去。

5.Critics deride the scheme as economic lunacy and a boon for construction companies such as the one Mr Lee used to run, Hyundai Construction.批评家认为这个计划是经济上的疯狂、同时也是对建筑公司的恩惠,如李曾管理过的现代建设公司。

6.The mysterious thing about this proper love is that it contains no trace of the early lunacy.崇高爱情的神秘之处在于,它没有早期精神错乱的痕迹。

7.I'd be tempted to dismiss it as paranoid lunacy if it weren't so obviously a crass, poptically-motivated smear.如果这不是明显的愚钝、有政治动机的诽谤诋毁,我会把它看作是偏执的精神失常而弃而不顾。

8.Now, that was the story of me then, my good old old days of right-wing lunacy.现在,讲讲我自己的故事,我美好的的右派疯狂岁月。

9.The word lunacy, meaning "madness, " is derived from Luna, the Latin name for the Roman goddess of the moon.“lunacy”这个表示“疯狂”的词源自“Luna”一罗马神话中月光女神的拉丁名。

10.Under the circumstances, it seems a pttle churpsh not to meet the woman responsible for this voyage of lunacy.在这种情况下,偶觉得见见这位为这次极度愚蠢地旅行负责任地女士是有点失礼地。