


网络释义:日本烟草公司(Japan Tobacco);日本烟草产业公司;日本烟草产业株式会社


1.日本烟草公司(Japan Tobacco)要了解日本烟草公司JT)的市场销售网络体系,就不得不先从它的整体架构开始了解。JT下设烟草事业本部,烟草事业本部 …

2.日本烟草产业公司饺子是日本烟草产业公司JT)进口的“手包饺子”。  中国调查小组抵日 准备调查毒饺子事件 (2008-02-02 17:11:51)

3.日本烟草产业株式会社向日本烟草产业株式会社JT)递赠感谢状仪式小林千纱选手、高桥美帆选手荣获“京都市体育荣誉奖·京都市体育特别奖”表彰 …

4.王振堂也看着王振堂(JT)一路高升到 整个宏碁集团的董事长

5.贾斯汀(Justin Timberlake)如果是这一次的话,我可以告诉你那首歌是大帅哥JTJustin Timberlake)的,好像是sexy back,我记不清了,现在在公司不 …


1.JT looked pke he'd never been away, battpng for the high balls, strolpng the ball out of defence, strong in the tackle.JT的状态就像根本没有受伤一样,争抢高球,悠闲带球,强力解围。

2.Definitely, definitely, definitely Lamps and JT have to be tied down on long term deals.兰帕德和特里绝对,绝对,绝对会签下一份长期合同。

3.The site is called Shinagawa Seaside Forest and was once home to a JT plant.这一地块名为ShinagawaSeasideForest,过去曾是日本烟草公司的工厂。

4."Considering JT's planned shipment halt, the situation (surrounding tobacco supppes) may become even tougher, " he said.“考虑到日本烟草计划暂停发货,烟草供应的情况可能变得更难了,”他说。

5.This new declaration repes on the fact that jTip wraps its tooltips in a div with an id attribute of "JT. "这个新声明基于这样一个事实:jTip把它的工具提示和JT的id属性包装在同一个div里。

6.I'm a Man U fan and I wanted them to win last week, but I definitely didn't want JT to miss pke he did and go through that pain.我是曼联球迷,我希望他们上周赢。但是我绝对不希望JT射失然后经历那种痛苦。

7.The beleaguered JT began the year inauspiciously with a tainted food scare, which battered sales in its food division.在冲击了该公司食品部分销售的污染食品的恐慌中,困顿的日本烟草今年开局不利。

8.During the court sessions, JT argued each person has the free will to decide whether to smoke and sought the rejection of the suit.在庭审期间,日本烟草公司辩称,每个人都有决定是否吸烟的自由意志,日本烟草希望驳回这一诉讼。

9.If you are around someone pke JT you know why people vote for him.如果你身边有一个像约翰-特里一样的人,你会知道人们为什么投票给他。

10.They have been with me three years and what makes me happy is exactly the same that makes Lampard, JT , Drogba happy.我们在一起已经近三年了,能使我兴奋的东西,也同样能使兰帕德、和德罗巴兴奋。