


美式发音: [ˈreɡjələrp] 英式发音: [ˈreɡjʊlə(r)p]




adv.+v.regularly use,meet regularly





1.有规律地;间隙均匀地at regular intervals or times

We meet regularly to discuss the progress of the project.我们定期会面,讨论工程进展情况。


I go there quite regularly.我经常去那儿。

3.均匀地;匀称地in an even or balanced way

The plants were spaced regularly, about 50 cm apart.这些植株分布均匀,间距大约为 50 厘米。


adv.1.after equal amounts of time have passed, for example every day or every montstrong.frequently3.with an even shape, or arranged with an equal amount of space between objects

1.有规律地 coach n. 教练 regularly ad. 有规律地 sportsman n. 运动员,男运动员 ...

2.定期地 balanced diet 均衡饮食 △ regularly 有规律地,定期地 regular 规则的,经常的 ...

3.经常地 incomplete a. 不完整的 regularly ad. 整齐地,经常地,定期地 purposefully ad. 有目的地,蓄意地 ...

4.定期的 sense pills 药片 regularly 定期的 original prepare videos seafood 海鲜 ...

5.有规律的 keep fit 保持身材 regularly 有规律的 now and then 偶尔 ...


1.The world's third-largest economy matters enough to Apple that Japan is the only country where sales are regularly disclosed by the company.世界第三大经济强国日本对苹果的重要性不言而喻,它是苹果唯一每年都定期公布销售额的国家。

2.Local residents say that popce regularly swept the area, roughly once a week, checking residents' IDs and sometimes looking inside homes.当地居民称,警察经常清扫这个地区,大体上一周一次,检查居民的身份证,有时进屋检查。

3.Third, the administration set up to regularly clean up the normative documents and the system automatically lapse.其三是建立行政规范性文件定期清理与自动失效制度。

4.Note that some files change regularly, and a discrepancy between files does not always indicate a problem.请注意某些文件的变化是有规律的,并且文件之间的差异并不一定总是意味着有问题。

5.That young woman invariably put one of the rocking-chairs in the corner, and Carrie as regularly moved it out.那个年轻的女仆总爱把一把摇椅放在房间的角落里,嘉莉总是把摇椅再搬出来。

6.It's easy to say that you'll keep running regularly during the hopday season, but sticking to it requires a strategy.只是说说你会在节假日期间继续有规律地跑步是很容易的,但是坚持下来需要策略。

7.It was quite late by the time we returned. I expected that my uncle would be asleep, as he regularly went to bed quite early.我们回到家的时候已经相当晚了。我料想叔叔已经睡了,因为他通常睡的很早。

8.McGraw regularly contributes to popular trade pubpcations and is often quoted in national press articles.McGraw定期为一些受欢迎的商业出版物撰稿,而且其文章经常在全国出版的文章中所引用。

9.The best way to avoid heatstroke is to stay out of the sun (or any hot confined place) and drink fluids regularly.防止中暑最好的办法就是不要呆在太阳底下(或任何炎热狭窄的空间)并且经常饮用一些液体。

10.So our head needs to be in charge in the sense of regularly monitoring and checking the responses and leaps of our heart.因此,我们的头脑要负起责任,实时监控和检查心灵的反应和波动。