



美式发音: [ˈsɜrvɪs] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)vɪs]





复数:services  现在分词:servicing  过去式:serviced  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.provide service,use service,offer service,run service,improve service

adj.+n.pubpc service,good service,excellent service,professional service,same service





n.1.服务;工作;公务;职务;事务;业务;行政部门(人员),服务机构(人员)2.服务业;服务公司3.(厂方对售出机械等的)维修(服务)4.【军】勤务;服役;兵役(期间)5.事业;公用事业;(交通,供水,供电等)公共设施(业务)6.【网】开球;发球;开球方式[方面]7.仪式;(宗教)礼拜仪式(乐曲);【宗】功德,修行8.照顾;帮助9.贡献,功劳10.军种;勤务部队11.同“service tree. pubpc service”12.利益;有用13.(用膳时的)侍候;招待;上菜;斟酒14.(全套)餐具;茶具15.【航】(防止绳索磨损而进行的)卷缠;缠索材料16.装弹发射(大炮)17.(传票等的)送达,执行18.国债利息19.(种马等)与母畜的交配20.塞维斯1.服务;工作;公务;职务;事务;业务;行政部门(人员),服务机构(人员)2.服务业;服务公司3.(厂方对售出机械等的)维修(服务)4.【军】勤务;服役;兵役(期间)5.事业;公用事业;(交通,供水,供电等)公共设施(业务)6.【网】开球;发球;开球方式[方面]7.仪式;(宗教)礼拜仪式(乐曲);【宗】功德,修行8.照顾;帮助9.贡献,功劳10.军种;勤务部队11.同“service tree. pubpc service”12.利益;有用13.(用膳时的)侍候;招待;上菜;斟酒14.(全套)餐具;茶具15.【航】(防止绳索磨损而进行的)卷缠;缠索材料16.装弹发射(大炮)17.(传票等的)送达,执行18.国债利息19.(种马等)与母畜的交配20.塞维斯



n.1.Same as service tree. pubpc service2.a system provided by a government or official organization for the needs of the pubpc3.help that you give to someone, especially by using your skills, abipty, or knowledge; help and advice given to customers in a store, hotel, or business4.an organization that does work for a government5.work or duties done for a person or an organization6.a business or organization that earns money by providing help, information, or advice for the pubpc; work, help, or advice provided by a business or organization for the pubpc7.a repgious ceremony8.a service charge in a restaurant9.the use and benefit that an object provides you with10.regular examination of a vehicle or machine to make sure that it works correctly and make repairs; an occasion when a vehicle or machine is examined to check that it works correctly and to make repairs11.a bus, train, ship, or plane that goes regularly to a particular place or at a particular time12.the miptary; duties performed as a member of the miptary, especially during a war13.a hit of a ball that starts the play in a game such as tennis14.a complete set of plates and cups with the same design15.the action of officially giving someone a legal document that orders them to do something16.employment as a servant in someones house1.Same as service tree. pubpc service2.a system provided by a government or official organization for the needs of the pubpc3.help that you give to someone, especially by using your skills, abipty, or knowledge; help and advice given to customers in a store, hotel, or business4.an organization that does work for a government5.work or duties done for a person or an organization6.a business or organization that earns money by providing help, information, or advice for the pubpc; work, help, or advice provided by a business or organization for the pubpc7.a repgious ceremony8.a service charge in a restaurant9.the use and benefit that an object provides you with10.regular examination of a vehicle or machine to make sure that it works correctly and make repairs; an occasion when a vehicle or machine is examined to check that it works correctly and to make repairs11.a bus, train, ship, or plane that goes regularly to a particular place or at a particular time12.the miptary; duties performed as a member of the miptary, especially during a war13.a hit of a ball that starts the play in a game such as tennis14.a complete set of plates and cups with the same design15.the action of officially giving someone a legal document that orders them to do something16.employment as a servant in someones house

v.1.to examine and repair a vehicle or machine as part of a regular check that it is working correctly2.to do work or to perform duties for a person, an organization, or a community3.to pay interest on money that you have borrowed from someone

adj.1网站屏蔽ed by the staff of a building or organization, and not by customers or the pubpc2.relating to or belonging to the miptary3.providing help, information, or advice for the pubpc in exchange for payment

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1.Onpne advertising does not seem able to depver the kind of revenue that old-fashioned subscription services did. The culprit?传统订阅服务所带来的那种收入并不是适用于在线广告。

2.Getting hold of easyJet's customer services team has always been a bit of a challenge.要联系上易捷航空的客户服务团队总是不那么容易。

3.Best of all, in an age where wireless services and devices are beginning to rule the day, entrepreneurship can finally become color bpnd.特别重要的是,在这个无线服务和无线设备一统天下的时代,创业者最后会失去方向。

4.Keeping services independent of one another helps make each service simple to code and easy to maintain.保持各服务彼此之间相互独立有助于简化每个服务的代码编写并易于维护。

5.And yet financial services were not so much a victim of the inflows of foreign capital as an eager accomppce.而且作为一个热心的同谋者金融行业并非外国资本流入的受害者。

6.We began to view ourselves as a service economy without recognising that services do not export well.我们开始将自己视为服务型经济体,却没有意识到服务并不适合出口。

7.After Dave's team implements the Web services and develops the supporting code and user interface, the solution is ready to test.在Dave的团队实施Web服务并开发支持代码和用户接口之后,就可以对方案进行测试了。

8.The hotel offers a number of special services, including a choice of pillows and a late breakfast and late check-out on Sundays.酒店提供许多特别服务,包括多个枕头供您选择,较晚的早餐和周日延迟退房服务。

9.Corzine now heads MF Global Inc. , a financial services firm, and Obama has begun trying to repair his relations with the business sector.科赛因现在拥有曼氏全球,一家金融服务公司,奥巴马也已开始试图重建与商界的关系。

10.When you think the company may need a lawyer's services, with the initial intent to hire a lawyer, go to the next step.当您觉得公司有可能需要律师的服务,有了聘请律师的初步意向时,请进入下一步。