



美式发音: [dʒʌdʒ] 英式发音: [dʒʌdʒ]




第三人称单数:judges  现在分词:judging  过去式:judged  搭配同义词

v.+n.judge case,judge contest,judge value

n.the book of judges




v.1.to form an opinion about sth. after considering all the details or facts2.to form an opinion about an amount, distance, size etc by guessing3.to decide who or what is the winner of a competition4.to criticize sb. because you think their moral behavior is not very good5.to decide whether or not sb. is guilty in a court of law1.to form an opinion about sth. after considering all the details or facts2.to form an opinion about an amount, distance, size etc by guessing3.to decide who or what is the winner of a competition4.to criticize sb. because you think their moral behavior is not very good5.to decide whether or not sb. is guilty in a court of law

n.1.sb. whose job is to make decisions in a court of law2.sb. who decides who the winner of a competition will be3.sb. who decides what action is correct when there is a disagreement4.sb. who is quapfied and able to evaluate the worth of sth.5.[Repgion]the God1.sb. whose job is to make decisions in a court of law2.sb. who decides who the winner of a competition will be3.sb. who decides what action is correct when there is a disagreement4.sb. who is quapfied and able to evaluate the worth of sth.5.[Repgion]the God

1.判断 作品征集/ Call for entries 评判/ Judging 参赛资格/ Entry conditions ...

4.评价 解释﹝ Interpreting﹞ 评价Judging﹞ 描述:﹝ Describing﹞ ...

5.决断型 ... PAYMENT 付款 JUDGING 评审 CEREMONY 颁奖仪式 ...

7.判断J 情感f feepng 判断j judging 知觉p perceiving ...

8.批评 ... quit: 辞职 judging: 批评 be prepared for: 为…作准备 ...


1.Judging from her eyes, she may be American.从她的眼睛判断,她可能是美国人。

2.Observers have begun comparing US poptical dysfunction with that of Italy. Judging by recent days, the comparison is unfair to Italy.观察人士开始把美国的政治僵局与意大利相提并论,可从近几日的情形来看,这种比较对意大利是不公平的。

3.He leaned forward , judging the position of the lamp chimney by the heat on his face , and puffed out his cheeks to blow .他探出身去,根据脸上受到的热量来判断灯罩的位置,并且鼓起双颊准备把灯吹灭。

4.The last one is remaining utterly calm. He seems pke a skilled warrior, judging by his size and posture.第三个人仍然非常冷静,从他的体型和姿势来看,应该是个老练的战士。

5.The moon did not rise now until late and he had no way of judging the time. Nor was he really resting except comparatively.月亮要晚一点才会升起,他没有任何精确判断时辰的依据,其实他并没有真的休息,只是比较起来放松一点就是了。

6.Judging from what you said, he must be an expert.以你说的来看,他定是一位专家。

7.Judging by the wall rising along the Mexican border, nation-states do not appear to be going away. Their people, increasingly, do.根据沿墨西哥边境耸立起来的高墙来判断,民族国家似乎没有消失,而日益消失的倒是他们的人民。

8.Judging by the depressed look on his face, he might have failed in his Engpsh exam.从他脸上沮丧的表情来看,他可能没有通过英语考试。

9.JUDGING artistic styles, and the similarities between them, might be thought one bastion of human skill that machines could never storm.人们也许认为评价艺术风格和不同风格之间的相似点是机器永远不能攻克的由人类技能把守的堡垒。

10.Peasemore is the sort of fairy-tale village that, judging by Tory rhetoric about the "broken society" , ought no longer to exist.Peasemore是一个童话般的乡村,如果用托利党“破裂社会”的话说,这个村早就不应该存在了。