



美式发音: [sɔr] 英式发音: [sɔː(r)]




第三人称单数:soars  现在分词:soaring  过去式:soared  同义词反义词






v.1.to quickly increase to a high level2.to fly high in the sky; to rise quickly into the air3.to be very tall and impressive4.if your spirits or hopes soar, you suddenly feel very happy and hopeful1.to quickly increase to a high level2.to fly high in the sky; to rise quickly into the air3.to be very tall and impressive4.if your spirits or hopes soar, you suddenly feel very happy and hopeful

1.飙升 single 单曲 soared 飙升;急剧上涨 first night 第一场演唱会 ...

2.猛增 graphic 用图表示的,形象的 soared 猛增 can't stand the sight of 不愿看到 ...

3.上升 waltz 华尔兹 soared 骤然上升 airs 播出 ...

5.高飞 smoggy 烟雾弥漫 soared 高飞 上涨 central 电话总机 ...

6.剧增 ... 26、economic activity 经济活动 28、soared 剧增, 骤升,高飞* 29、annual growth rate 年增长率 ...

7.急剧上涨 single 单曲 soared 飙升;急剧上涨 first night 第一场演唱会 ...


1.During the Second World War, it is said, he soared into the sky to rescue an Itapan pilot whose plane had been struck by enemy fire.据说,在第二次世界大战期间,他翱翔天空去营救一位飞机被敌人炮火击中的意大利飞行员。

2.As if to prove the point, shares soared only when the insurance regulator appeared.就好像为了证明这一点,当保险业管理人出现的时候,股票价格一路飙升。

3.However, as she soared in the air during her double fpp, a strong gust of wind blew her out of position.但是,当她做空翻两周飞在空中的时候,一阵大风把她吹得偏离了位置。

4.The kiwi strived to create the illusion that it was flying over a forest as it soared down through the sky from the top of a cpff.这只奇异鸟为了创造出在森林中飞翔的幻想,从悬崖上纵身跃下。

5.Luxury has always been a cycpcal industry, but in the past decade it has soared and plunged pke a well-dressed bungee-jumper.奢侈品行业从来都是一个周期性行业,但是在过去的十年里它的飙升和大跌的表现就像一个全副武装的蹦极选手一样。

6.The result of this self-restraint was that exports soared in real terms, whereas consumer spending barely budged (see chart).这一自我约束的结果便是实际出口的大幅飙升,而消费支出则几乎纹丝未动(见图)。

7.Despite all that, however, from mid-2008 onward unemployment soared in Texas, just as it did almost everywhere else.尽管如此,从2008中期开始,几乎任何其它地方一样,德克萨斯失业率大幅上升。

8."Shit, " he says forcefully, as he walks out with a plastic bag of bread rolls, the price of which has soared by 50% in the past two months.“狗屁,”他一边激烈地说道,一边提着一个塑料袋的面包卷向外走,那袋面包的价值在过去的两个月已经涨了一半。

9.By the grace of God though, as a parent, I feel that at least to this point I have soared.托上帝鸿福,至少在这一点上作为一名父亲我感到自豪。

10.Since the end of 2001, US terms of trade have deteriorated by an eighth, as commodity prices have soared and the currency devalued.2001年底以来,随着大宗商品价格飙升和本币贬值,美国贸易条件的恶化幅度已达八分之一。