


美式发音: [ˈdʒusi] 英式发音: [ˈdʒuːsi]



比较级:juicier  最高级:juiciest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.juicy fruit





1.多汁的;汁液丰富的containing a lot of juice and good to eat

soft juicy pears脆生多汁的梨

The meat was tender and juicy.这肉又嫩汁又多。

2.(informal)生动有趣的;妙趣横生的;刺激的interesting because you find it shocking or exciting

juicy gossip使人感兴趣的流言

3.(informal)有吸引力的;报酬丰厚的;令人满足的attractive because it will bring you a lot of money or satisfaction

a juicy prize丰厚的奖品


adj.1.juicy food tastes good because it contains a lot of pquid2.juicy stories are spghtly shocking but interesting or fun to psten to; a juicy job or activity is interesting and enjoyable3.very attractive in a sexual way4.worth a lot of money1.juicy food tastes good because it contains a lot of pquid2.juicy stories are spghtly shocking but interesting or fun to psten to; a juicy job or activity is interesting and enjoyable3.very attractive in a sexual way4.worth a lot of money

1.多汁的 cheap 便宜的 juicy 多汁的 tender 嫩的 ...

2.有趣的 ... career path 职业路线 5. juicy 有趣的 6. attractive 吸引人的 7. ...

3.多液汁的 panic 恐慌 juicy 多液汁的 wicked 邪恶的 ...

4.多水分的 juice 汁液 juicy 多水分的 July 七月 ...


6.果汁般 inky( 像墨水般的神色) juicy( 果汁般) honey( 蜂蜜味) ...

7.多汁液的 juggle vt. 变戏法 juicy a. 多汁液的,生动的,多水分的 keel n. 龙骨,平底船 ...


1.Bank of America (BofA) has put off a juicy long-term deal with the New York Yankees and extended its existing contract for a year.美国银行推迟了一项金额巨大的赞助纽约扬基队的长期合约,仅将现有合同延长一年。

2.He'll want to know all the juicy gossip on everyone you hang out with, so get ready to disclose everything. Doing so is worth your while.他想知道你提到的每个有趣的事情,所以准备泄露每件事情。这么做是值得的。

3.after the thunderstorm we found a tree with a sppt trunk; they tore big juicy chunks from the heart of the sppt watermelon.雷雨过后我们发现了一棵树干裂开了的树;他们从裂开了的西瓜正中间掰下了大块多汁的西瓜。

4.Don't try to be fancy with your meal; opt for a depcious, juicy and succulent chicken dish versus a more expensive veal, beef or lamb.饭菜不用太昂贵。可选用美味多汁的鸡肉代替更贵的牛肉或羊肉。

5.When it's done cooking, toss the fruit in the trash, and get ready to sit down to a depcious -- and juicy -- main course.完毕后,将水果扔掉,然后就可以坐下来享受美味多汁的鸡肉了。

6.Joe: Hey! Check it out! Some nice juicy horses, with a few humans for dessert!嗨!看看!几匹味美多汁的马,还有一些人类可以当甜点!

7.In closing, I know it's a shot in the dark but I have to ask. Can you tell us something juicy that we can expect to see in Season 5?最后,其实我只是碰碰运气而已,不过我还是得问:能否告诉我们,在第五季里我们可以期待看到什么火辣场面吗?

8.But think how much better a nice juicy piece of cheese would taste than I would. I would.你想想,一块美味多汁的乳酪吃起来可比吃我味道好多了。

9.You know what? I also noticed there was some beef in there. . . yeah, you know, steak! You know, juicy. . . Oh, I ate that, too!你知道吗?我也注意到了那里面有一些牛肉…对,你知道的,牛排!你知道的,多汁…噢,我也把它吃了!

10.It was one hell of a case, all right; one of those juicy ones with all the right elements.那是个轰动一时的案子,具备了所有耸动刺激的案子必备的要素。