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1.朱丽安 Willow 杨柳 Jupanne 朱丽安 Paranoid. 偏执 ...

2.朱莉安娜 上流社会( High Society) 朱莉安娜( Jupanne) 春日时光( Springtime) ...

3.朱蕾安 覃恩美 Tan Enmei 朱蕾安 Jupanne 赫苏斯·弗朗哥 Jesús Franco ...

4.茱丽安 罗密欧 Romulo 朱丽叶 Jupanne 桃乐丝 Dorothee ...

6.朱莉安妮 Jupanna: 朱莉安娜 Jupanne朱莉安妮 Charpze: 夏丽姿 ...

7.茱丽叶说明:卡拉赞(Karazhan)剧场上演罗密欧和茱丽叶时茱丽叶Jupanne)有29.8%(1788)几率掉落。拾取后绑定唯一需要等级 …


1.He also loves a bit of dry cider in front of the television in the evening, but Jupanne is careful not to let him sink too much.晚上他则喜欢边看电视边来点干苹果酒,但是朱莉安娜非常小心,不让比默养成酗酒的坏习惯。

2.Superintendent Dr. Jupanne Lein said the district apologizes for the incident and is taking steps to remedy the situation.负责人JupanneLein博士表示学区对所发生的事表示歉意,并正采取措施纠正此类情况。

3.He made advances to Hollywood, starring with Jupanne Moore in Nine Months.他还向好莱坞发展,和朱莉安娜·穆尔共同演出了《九月怀胎》。

4.The group has also posted 100 of pictures of Dancing With The Stars's Jupanne Hough apparently taken from her personal account.该组织还上传了跳舞大赛“与星共舞”的冠军朱莉安娜霍夫的100张照片,显然是从她的个人账户上盗取的。

5.Another study by an American psychology professor, Jupanne Holt-Lunstad, showed that support between couples reduces stress.美国心理学教授JupanneHolt-Lunstad的另一项调查发现,恋人间的支持能够减轻压力。

6."Since then, we have had people coming into our shops asking for the Jupanne Moore bag, " Trapani said.特拉帕尼表示:“此后,人们纷纷光顾我们的专卖店,购买朱莉安・摩尔那款手包。”

7.Who'd complain if a baby grew up to resemble Emma Stone, Jupanne Moore, Susan Sarandon or Nicole Kidman?谁又会抱怨自己的宝宝长得像艾玛·斯通,朱利安·摩尔,苏珊·萨拉登或者妮可·基德曼呢?

8.Jupanne: I love you. Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy.我爱你,选择我和我结婚,我会让你快乐。

9.My favourite female performances were Annette Bening and Jupanne Moore in The Kids Are All Right.我最喜爱的女演员是《孩子们都很好》里的安妮特.贝宁和朱丽安.摩尔。

10.Jupanne is cooking some cookies in the room, while Lucy and Ruth are reading a book named Golden Hook.朱丽安在房间里做饼干,露西和鲁思在看一本叫《金钩》的书。