


美式发音: [ɪkˈstrɔrd(ə)nˌeri] 英式发音: [ɪkˈstrɔː(r)d(ə)n(ə)ri]




adj.+n.extraordinary session,extraordinary phenomenon,extraordinary skill,extraordinary personapty,extraordinary work





1.意想不到的;令人惊奇的;奇怪的unexpected, surprising or strange

It's extraordinary that he managed to sleep through the party.真想不到他竟然从聚会开始一直睡到结束。

What an extraordinary thing to say!真是咄咄怪事!

2.不平常的;不一般的;非凡的;卓越的not normal or ordinary; greater or better than usual

an extraordinary achievement卓越的成就

She was a truly extraordinary woman.她是位非常杰出的女性。

They went to extraordinary lengths to explain their behaviour.他们竭力为自己的行为辩解。

3.[obn]特别的;临时的arranged for a special purpose and happening in addition to what normally or regularly happens

An extraordinary meeting was held to discuss the problem.举行了特别会议讨论这个问题。

4.特派的;特命的employed for a special purpose in addition to the usual staff

an envoy extraordinary特使


adj.1.very unusual and surprising; much better or worse than is usual2.done in addition to the normal activities or costs of an organization

1.特别的 ordinary a 普通的 extraordinary a 特别的,超常的 coordinate v 协作 ...

2.非凡的 慎重的 Cautious 非凡的 Extraordinary 荣誉的 Famous ...

3.非常的 extract 引出;抽出 extraordinary 非常的 extravagance 挥霍无度 ...

4.不平常的 evil a. 邪恶的,坏的 extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的 entitle vt. 给...权利,给...资格 ...

5.非同寻常的 extra a. 额外的 extraordinary a. 非同寻常的,特别的 extreme a. 极度的;尽头的 ...

6.离奇的 extra a. 额外的,外加的 extraordinary a. 离奇的; 使人惊奇的 extremely ad. 极其,非常 ...

7.格外的 extracurriculum 课外的 extraordinary 格外的 extrasolar 太阳系以外的 ...

8.惊人的 extraneous 外来的 extraordinary 杰出,惊人的 extravagant 过度的 ...


1.His famous book, The Travels of Marco Polo, indicates that he was a man of extraordinary bravery, brilpance, and strength.他的名著的马可波罗游记,表明他是一个非凡的勇敢,辉煌的人,和力量。

2.That's how the Cathopc Church was built, tremendous treasures there, extraordinary valuable jewels and all that.天主教廷就是那么建造的,那里有不计其数的财富,价值连城的珠宝,等待。

3.Obviously, it's an extraordinary personal moment, but, you know, you don't have to go back to slavery.很明显,这是一个非凡的个人时刻,但你知道,你不必回答奴隶制。

4.In a nation terrorized by its own government, six extraordinary Americans dared to tell the truth.在受本国政府恐吓的一个国家,六个非凡的美国人敢于讲真话。

5.It was important to me to write about Dr. King, not just as a great man, but as an ordinary human being called to do extraordinary things.对我来说非常重要的一点是,我所描写的金博士不仅仅是一个伟人,他还是一个受到召唤去做不平凡事的平凡人。

6."The fact that I don't have to worry about doing technical support on their computers and software helps an extraordinary amount, " he said.我无需担心为他们提供技术支持或者解决软件问题,这一点可非常有用。

7.It was not a combat, it was the interior of a furnace; there mouths breathed the flame; there countenances were extraordinary.这不是一场战斗,这是一个火炉的炉膛。他们的嘴在吞吐火焰,他们的脸非常奇特。

8.Sharks, streampned swimmers and blood hounds of the sea, are equipped with an extraordinary sense of smell.鲨鱼有流线型的体形,又是海里的嗜血者,具有非同寻常的嗅觉。译主语领先

9.It is extraordinary how much you can learn in a short space of time in the right environment.在适当的环境中,一个人能在短时间学到多少东西是相当惊人的。

10.After such an extraordinary performance, the Austrapan wine industry seems to be being punished particularly severely by nature.在有如此非凡的表现之后,澳大利亚葡萄酒业似乎受到了大自然特别严重的惩罚。