



美式发音: [ˈdʒʌmpər] 英式发音: [ˈdʒʌmpə(r)]



复数:jumpers  同义词

n.athlete,high jumper,long jumper,hurdler,steeplechaser



n.1.a dress without sleeves that is usually worn over a shirt2.a person or animal that jumps3.a sweater

1.跳线 《仙后》( the faerie queen, 1579) 《跳跃者》( jumpers, 1972) 《遗言》( last or…

3.毛衣 (裤子,有靴裤 bootcut、skinny、tapered、 (毛衣,分为套头衫 jumpers、 (外套,包括人造毛 …

4.跨接线 服装 clothing 工作服(罩衣) jumpers 衬衫 shirts ...

6.音箱跳线 Protective Caps 保护帽 Jumpers 音箱跳线 CCC 触点神油 ...

7.卫衣 裙子 skirts 卫衣 jumpers 连衣裙 dresses ...

8.套头毛衣 对襟毛衣 cardigan 套头毛衣 jumpers 长袜 stockings ...


1.But in looking at the research that we did, we expect [paywall jumpers] to be a very significant minority, a small, small number of people.但是通过我们已经做过的调查来看,避开付费的只会是极少数人。

2.She was fielding calls on her mobile, finding parachutes for some of the jumpers at Lehman.她在电话里接到通知,寻找降落伞为雷曼准备跳楼的员工。

3.A wind-stock is placed near the takeoff board so jumpers can determine the approximate direction and strength of the wind.在起跳板的附近有一个风向牌,运动员可以用来判断风向和风力。

4.They did, sort of, in the beginning as they moved the ball crisply away from the double team and got Battier and Scola open for jumpers.比赛的开始阶段,火箭就是这么做的,他们把球从包夹姚明的一侧快速转到另一侧,让巴蒂尔和斯科拉找到了空位出手的机会。

5.At the office of the New York chief medical examiner, a spokesman said this week that they did not consider these people 'jumpers'.本周在纽约市首席法医的办公室,一名发言人说他们没有(把那些从塔上跳下来的人)看做“跳楼者”。

6.But it was not as if James and Wade just ran down the court, told everyone else to get out of the way and launched off-balance jumpers.但这不是说詹姆斯和韦德就控制着球权,叫所有人都闪到一边去,然后在失去平衡的情况下强行投球。

7.This was just the beginning of his workout. . . he went on to work closer in after the jumpers.这只是他工作的开始,…接着,外线投篮完了后他就要到近点距离练习投篮。

8.But he was clearly into the game from the start, driving for a couple of strong dunks or knocking down jumpers when defenders gave him room.但显而易见的是他一开始就进入了状态,比赛中来了2个强力扣篮,并强硬地防守来犯者。

9.Right now it may appear that Yao's absence hasn't been a problem for the Rockets, that's because their outside jumpers are falpng.现在看来,姚明的缺席,对于火箭来说,没有成为一个问题。那是因为他们外线跳投命中,正在下降。

10.There have been no fatal accidents so far in the United States , but two French jumpers fell to their deaths when their bungee cords broke.到目前为止在美国还没有发生严重的事故,但是在法国有两个人丧命于蹦极绳子的断裂。