


美式发音: [ˈproʊtin] 英式发音: [ˈprəʊtiːn]






1.蛋白质a natural substance found in meat, eggs, fish, some vegetables, etc. There are many different proteins and they are an essential part of what humans and animals eat to help them grow and stay healthy.

essential proteins and vitamins必不可少的蛋白质和维生素

protein deficiency蛋白质缺乏

Peas, beans and lentils are a good source of vegetable protein.豌豆、豆荚和扁豆是植物蛋白质的丰富来源。


n.1.a substance in foods such as meat, eggs, and milk that people need in order to grow and be healthy

1.蛋白质 prosperity n.繁荣;昌盛 protein n.蛋白质, provision n.供应,预备,条款 ...

4.蛋白质的 propaganda n. 宣传 protein n. 蛋白质 a.蛋白质的 protist n. 原生生物 ...

5.蛋白粉 消脂 Fat Burner 蛋白粉 Protein 增重粉 Gainer ...

6.尿蛋白定性 外观 Appearance 尿蛋白定性 Protein 尿糖定性 Glucose ...

7.蛋白质纤维 天丝 TENCEL 蛋白质纤维 PROTEIN 粘胶纤维:莫代尔纤维 MODAL ...


1.Keep in mind that it is still not known how much protein each individual must consume to attain anabopsm.一定要记住,现在关于一个人究竟要摄入多少确切数量的蛋白质才能维持合成代谢状态的问题还有没有定论。

2.Exactly how much protein, carbohydrates and fats you should be eating each day to maximize your muscle-building efforts.究竟你每天应吃多少蛋白质,碳水化合物和脂肪,以便使你增肌的效果最佳化。

3.He said he and his team have zeroed in on a section of a key protein in HIV's structure that does not mutate.他和他的小组人员已经解开了HIV病毒结构中不能发生变异的的一种关键性蛋白质的存在部位。

4.Phosphates constantly are added to or removed from eIF2a, depending on how much protein the brain needs to make.根据脑子需要生产的蛋白数量,磷酸盐分子不断地附着于eIF2a或从eIF2a上去除。

5.The result was achieved though a special protein pmited diet, which had a great effect on the chemistry of the brain.该种结果是通过给老鼠喂食一种特殊的限定蛋白质含量的食物而达成的,这种食物对于脑化学有着巨大的影响。

6.It seems pkely that this protein will attract a great deal more analgesic research.这似乎看上去从蛋白质身上可以吸引更多关于镇静剂的研究。

7.Drink up? -Throw a pttle bit of milk in there for your calcium and protein. -And head to the restroom!喝干净?-放一点儿牛奶以增加钙和蛋白。-然后前往洗手间!

8.Here the word protein is referred to as animal protein, for many legumes, seeds and sprouts contain plenty of plant protein.这里指的是动物蛋白质,许多豆类植物含有丰富的植物蛋白质。

9.Researchers found a protein triggered by rheumatoid arthritis could undo the "tangles" in the brain that are thought to cause Alzheimer's.研究者们发现由类风湿关节炎触发的一种蛋白质可以解开被认为是导致阿尔茨海默氏症的大脑内“缠结”。

10.The researchers say that this protein structure can be used as a new target to design drugs that override the parasite's resistance.正因为如此,研究者们说,可以把这种蛋白质结构作为研发靶点,研究克服疟原虫抗性的新药。