


美式发音: [ˈdʒʌmpi] 英式发音: ['dʒʌmpi]



比较级:jumpier  最高级:jumpiest  同义词反义词





1.胆战心惊的;提心吊胆的;紧张不安的nervous and anxious, especially because you think that sth bad is going to happen


adj.1.nervous2.a jumpy image or sound keeps moving or being interrupted

1.神经质 神经战〖 warofnerves〗 神经质jumpy;neurotic〗 神龛〖 ashrineforidolsorancestraltablets〗 ...

2.跳跃的 fyi FYIabbr.For Your Information 供参考 jumpy adj. 跳跃的, 神经质的 unwrap vt. 打开, 解开, 展开 ...

3.神经质的 fyi FYIabbr.For Your Information 供参考 jumpy adj. 跳跃的, 神经质的 unwrap vt. 打开, 解开, 展开 ...

4.跳动的 noisy: 吵人的。 jumpy: 跳动的;神经过敏的。 distribute: 分发,分布。 ...

5.急剧变化的 jumping stand 跳台 jumpy 急剧变化的 junctional transmission 接头传递 ...

6.神经过敏 ... EVASION 逃税 JUMPY 神经过敏 SAXO 盛宝 ...

7.神经过敏的 jump 跳跃 jumpy 神经过敏的 junction 会合 ...

8.易受惊吓的,神经质的 ... 7. jumpy a . 易受惊吓的,神经质的。 1. paranoid a . 有妄想狂倾向的,类偏执狂的 …


1.He seemed to be in no danger whatsoever, and that made him jumpy because he imagined invisible threats.无论什么样的情况,他似乎都没有碰到过危险,但想到无形的威胁就使他心惊肉跳。

2.I've never been here before. It makes me a pttle jumpy. . .我曾没来过这。这让我有点不安…

3.Who helps me introduce a doctor in the heart on the net, be to be engaged in alleviating depressed disease and jumpy?有谁帮我介绍个网上心里医生,是从事缓解抑郁症和神经质的?

4.The jumpy mother is always cross with her children.这个神经质的母亲老是对孩子发脾气。

5.So the double rejection of his government has worried financial markets, already jumpy about resistance to austerity in Greece and Portugal.希腊与葡萄牙抗拒财政紧缩,西班牙的金融市场已然因此紧张不安,如今执政党的双重挫败又是雪上加霜。

6.We pke to think we're good at "reading" people, and that pars reveal themselves through nervous twitches or a jumpy pulse on a polygraph.人类总认为自己擅长“读懂”别人,说谎者总是因为紧张发抖或是被测谎仪测出脉搏异常而现出原形。

7.If procedures are lax enough to allow jumpy commanders to launch a major attack by mistake, this sharply raises the longer-term risk of war.如果朝方相关程序如此异常宽松,使脾气火爆的指挥官可能会错误发动一场大袭击,这会大幅加剧爆发战争的较长期风险。

8.hungry joe was a jumpy , emaciated wretch with a fleshless face of dingy skin and bone.享格利乔是个瘦弱,神经过敏的可怜虫,一张黑脸皮包骨头,没有什么肌肉。

9.ONE by one, euro-zone governments have been confecting austerity plans in a bid to reassure jumpy bond markets.欧元区国家的政府一个接一个地筹备着节俭计划,以安抚债券市场的不安情绪。

10.It is not surprising that revolts across the Arab world have made Beijing particularly jumpy.席卷阿拉伯世界的反抗浪潮尤其令中国政府不安,这并不奇怪。