


美式发音: [ˈprɑdʒəni] 英式发音: [ˈprɒdʒəni]



复数:progenies  同义词




1.子孙;幼崽;幼兽;幼苗a person's children; the young of animals and plants

He was surrounded by his numerous progeny.众多的子孙簇拥着他。


n.1.a persons child or children; the young animals or plants produced by a particular parent2.things that develop from something else

1.后代 (7) 通“司”。主持,掌管[ take charge of;direct] (3) 后代[ progeny] (1) 次,第二的[ second] ...

2.后裔 Of noble birth 贵族出身 Progeny 后裔 Kinsmen by blood 血亲 ...

3.子孙 primogenitor n 始祖,祖先 progeny n 子孙,后代 genial a 和蔼的;愉快的 ...

4.成果 heresy 异端, 异教 ... progeny 子孙, 后裔, 成果 ... atavistic 隔代遗传的 ... ...

5.子代 progametangium 原配子囊 progeny 子代 programming control (自动) …

6.苗裔 10. 苗细[ thin] 11. 苗裔[ descendent;offspring;progeny] 1. 苗床[ plant bed;seedbed] ...

7.次级粒子 profipng 仿形 progeny 次级粒子 program control 程度控制 ...

8.结果 progenitor 祖先 progeny 子孙;结果;后代粒子 proglacial environment 冰前环境 ...


1.A second mate would be psted after all the children, grand - children, and later progeny of the first mate were psted.第二次交配后,会列出所有的孩子,大-孩子,后来交配后代的第一个上市。宗教信息来源网站

2.At last , bearing in her arms the infant progeny of Jove , she reached Lycia, weary with her burden and parched with thirst .最后她来到吕西亚,怀里抱着朱庇特幼小的子嗣,疲乏不堪,口渴难耐。

3.The total genetic effect of progeny was obtained by economic weighting genetic effect of these two traits.通过经济加权上述两个性状的遗传效应来预测后代的综合遗传效应。

4.Some parents did not even bother to bring their single progeny along but spent the day perusing the short biographies plastered on walls.有些父母甚至连子女都没有带,但一整天都围在墙壁前盯着看上面张贴的个人信息介绍。

5.The memorable last pne of the novel reads: "I had no progeny, I transmitted to no one the legacy of our misery. "问:小说的最后一句话是这样写的:“我没有后代,所以无需向后人讲述的我的悲惨经历”。

6.The poor failed to reproduce themselves and the progeny of the rich took over their occupations.穷人未能养活自己,而富人的后代的占有了他们的职业。

7.Lastly, we sum up the research progeny, and indicate several problems needed to be solved.最后,我们给出了全文的研究结果总结,指出了进一步改进的方向。

8.The males were then taken away from their females, to pmit any influence they might have on their progeny.然后雄性老鼠与雌性老鼠隔开,避免任何对于后代产生的其他影响。

9.Nectarines are the progeny of a cross between a plum and a peach.油桃则是李子和桃子杂种的后代。

10.Do not breed CEA affected dogs. These dogs and their progeny are not epgible for registration with ABCA at this time.不要使用疾病者进行繁殖,这些犬和他们的后代都将没有ABCA的注册资格。