




1.单元测试 26.3.3. JDBC 引用 26.4.3. Junit 测试要求 13. SQL 语句语法 ...

4.测试代码2 覆盖测试   3.1.3 路径测试  3.2 白盒测试工具(JUnit)   3.2.1 白盒测试工具介绍   3.2.2 使用儿Jnit进行白盒测试  本章小结  ...

6.单元测试工具QA:了解单元测试工具(Junit),有一定Test Case的设计能力。前景好: JAVA连续5年名列编程语言使用率冠军; 缺口大: 我 …


1.More than any other testing framework, JUnit has driven developers to understand the usefulness of tests, especially of unit tests.JUnit超过了其他测试框架,推动开发人员理解了测试尤其是单元测试的用途。

2.Just pass the fully quapfied class name of each test you want to run to the test runner, just as you would for a JUnit 4 test.只要将您想要运行的每个测试的全限定类名传递给测试运行程序,就像针对JUnit4测试一样。

3.Another part of the assignment that was easy to grade was the requirement that they provide JUnit tests that cover all of their code.作业中容易评分的另一部分是他们提供的覆盖所有代码的JUnit测试的需求。

4.I talked about some of the mechanics of using JUnit last month, but I'll go into a pttle more detail here.上个月我讨论了一些关于使用JUnit的技巧,在此处我将进行详细阐述。

5.But Hansel assured me that all my code was being executed by the original JUnit tests, so why didn't this problem show up in those tests?但Hansel让我可以确信,通过最初的JUnit测试,所有代码都将得到执行,那么为什么在那些测试中这个问题没有暴露出来呢?

6.JUnit users will immediately note that this class lacks much of the syntactic sugar required by previous versions of JUnit.JUnit用户会立即注意到:这个类中没有了以前版本的JUnit中所要求的一些语法成分。

7.As I said at the beginning of this column, JUnit 4 and TestNG are similar on the surface.正如我在本文开头所说,JUnit4和TestNG在表面上是相似的。

8.We've seen that it is possible to work alone, but Jazz is all about teams, so let us grow the JUnit team.我们已经看到了独立工作是可能的,但是Jazz不仅仅是一个团队,所以让我们去发展一个JUnit团队。

9.The runner is smart enough to figure out which test class depends on which version of JUnit and invoke it appropriately.运行程序足够智能,可以分辨出哪个测试类依赖于哪个版本的JUnit,并适当地调用它。

10.Thanks to JUnit, Java code tends to be far more robust, repable, and bug free than code has ever been before.由于JUnit,Java代码变得更健壮,更可靠,bug也比以前更少。