


美式发音: ['jʊŋkə] 英式发音: ['jʊŋkə]






n.1.an old vehicle in a very bad state of repair2.an aristocratic landowner in Prussia, with great poptical power3.an offensive term for a German army officer or official regarded as arrogant and dictatorial

1.容克 Pfaltzgraf 宫廷伯爵 Junker 容克或乡绅 Kroonprins 王储 ...

3.吸食麻药者 junk 垃圾 junker 吸食麻药者 Junkerdom 贵族地主 ...

4.破汽车 savvy n. 机智 junker n. 破汽车 hoaxes n. 愚弄 ...

5.吸毒者 junk bottle 深色厚琉璃瓶 junker 吸毒者 jury pump 备用泵 ...

6.勇克 NTC( 小松) Junker( 勇克) KRAUSE&MAUSER( 毛瑟) ...

7.容克集团制的地主子弟,守独身主义、信奉基督、教育良好,称为容克集团Junker),人民以国家利益为重,然而国家确是虚无缥缈 …

8.克士勇克士JUNKER)是一个深具日耳曼内涵的德国机械表品牌,由德国最伟大的航空先驱者Hugo Junkers在1915年创立。纯正 …


1.He simply played his ail-too famipar game: sitting in the front seat of his old junker and staring at her.他只是苦中作乐——那是他最熟悉的游戏了:坐在旧破车的前座上,盯着她。

2.Junker and her neighbors had packed their bags, ready to evacuate at a moment's notice.容克和她的邻居们收拾行李,准备撤离在片刻的通知。

3.Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Junker champions the idea, but European heavyweights Germany and France have ruled it out.卢森堡首相容克支持这个想法,但欧洲两个重要国家德国和法国则排除了这种可能性。

4.I'd even bought an old junker car and left my more expensive one at home to be sold to cover the bills.我甚至买了一辆破汽车并且把我家里更贵的一辆卖了来填补这笔开销。

5.On Wednesday night, Megan Junker, a Brisbane resident, had a barbeque with her neighbors.在星期三晚上,梅根容克,一布里斯班居民,曾与她的邻居烧烤。

6.The next day Enzo's battered junker wasn't in the slot outside his apartment.第二天恩佐的那辆破旧不堪的破车不在他公寓外面的车位上。

7.They include sales of previously owned JUNKER machines, as well as service contracts and extended guarantee periods.该项工作也包括为二手JUNKER机床提供保养维护合同以及延长保修期等服务。

8.The interpreter told him the speaker meant, "I was driving my old junker. "译员告诉他发言者的意思是:“我在驾驶我的老爷车。”

9.The multimedia concept, however, enabled JUNKER to present 60 grinding solutions in the form of video films.而现在,凭借多媒体技术,JUNKER公司以录像片的形式展示了60种磨削方案。

10.Depending on your combination of machines, you can also machine thrust walls, flanges and journals using other JUNKER machines.根据机床类型的组合,借助其它勇克机床可完成对定位轴颈,法兰和曲轴小端轴颈的磨削。