



美式发音: [ˈpɒdˌkæst] 英式发音: [ˈpɒdkɑːst]






n.1.a multimedia file, such as a radio program or music video, that can be downloaded from the Internet and played on an iPod or similar piece of equipment

1.播客 ... 生气老外(科狄)微博 Angry Foreigner Weibo 疯狂老外的播客 Podcasts 疯狂老外网站主页 Home ...

5.播客节目rginia )的复临教会,他们将他们的讲道制作成播客节目podcasts),放在苹果公司的iTunes 音乐节目中。

6.播客文件夹 ... ●Pictures: 图片 ●Podcasts: 播客文件夹 ●qqsecure: 腾讯管家 ...

7.精采广播 Theme VCR 主题短片 Podcasts 精采广播 Web Cam 网路摄影 ...

8.拨客 ... 7. 播放清单( Playpsts) 7. 拨客( Podcasts) 8. 声书( Audiobooks) ...


1.The inabipty to watch videos or download podcasts and music was a bit of a wake-up call about how high my expectations have risen.我们不能观看视频,无法下载语音文件和各种音乐,不过这倒像是一个小闹铃,它提醒我,自己曾对网络有著多么高的期望。

2.You could even take it a step further and produce podcasts (basically audio blog posts) or video blog posts.甚至可以更进一步,发布播客(实际上就是音频博客帖子)和视频博客帖子。

3.Audacity makes the creation of such podcasts a simple process; you just need a microphone, a sound card, and something interesting to say.Audacity使创建播客变得非常简单;您只需要一个麦克风、一个声卡和一些有趣的话。

4.This year the podcasts will be every two weeks, and will be hosted by, err, me, with special guests each podcast.今年的博客两周一次,由我和一位特邀嘉宾主持。

5.It was able to find many of the This Week in Tech podcasts but when I searched for any of Dan Benjamin's shows, it came up empty.在技术播客中可以找到一周要闻许多东西,但是当我要搜索DanBenjamin个人秀的时候,却找不到。

6.It also serves up daily audio podcasts (known as the Onion Radio News) and some of the funniest spde shows on the Web.另外,《洋葱》还开设了每日音频博客(即洋葱广播新闻),并不时展示一些滑稽的搞怪图片。

7.Access is simppfied by subscription and by the automatic transfer of downloaded podcasts from a computer to a portable music player.通过订阅和自动将下载的泡播从计算机转到便携式音乐播放器,上网访问得到了简化。

8.This post and series was inspired by one of my favorite blogs and podcasts, NPR's All Songs Considered.NPR的AllSongsConsidered是我最喜欢的博客兼播客之一,本文和本系列文章是该博客启发而写的。

9.The Refugee Council also features podcasts with women refugees involved with its Vulnerable Women's project, available at this pnk.该委员会也设有「脆弱女性」计画,提供女性难民的录音记录,计画网页在此。

10.Videos, podcasts, and expert interviews to motivate you and help you stay on track with writing and completing your eBook.通过视频、博客以及专家访谈来激励你、帮助你坚持完成你的电子书。