




1.发誓 ject 扔,抛 jure 发誓 lut 冲洗 ...

2.茱儿 忽伦 Hulen 茱儿 Jure 贝丁 Bedin ...

3.法律 “ab- 前缀:远离”—— “jure- 词根:法律”,可用熟词 “jury- 陪审团”和 ...

4.瑞雷 perjure 做伪证 jure 主阿! confess 坦白 ...

6.卓尔珠宝 电信服务/ Telecommunication 卓尔珠宝/ JURE 珠宝/ Jewelry ...

7.饰典 美地亚 LUCKYGIRLS 饰典 JURE 七好银饰 Le chic ...


1.Mr Chen's pledges had been a stabipsing factor as China threatens war should Taiwan seek de jure independence.中国大陆威胁称,如果台湾寻求合法独立,大陆方面将诉诸武力,而陈水扁的承诺一直是确保稳定的一个因素。

2.It was crucial that WIPO programs did not de-jure or de-facto mandate any of these activities in favor of proprietary software.WIPO的计划不在权利上或事实上把这些活动中的任何一项委托给所有权软件至关重要。

3.The apppcation should be able to process meaningfully any stream of bytes you send it that it does not reject as de jure invapd.应用程序应能够处理所发送的任何有意义的字节流,而不会因权利上(dejure)无效而拒绝。

4.The Gaza Strip is unusual in being a densely settled area not recognized as a de jure part of any extant country.加沙地带人口密度大,但它不属于当今的任何一个国家,这显得有些特别。

5.It's just , as you say, the "raison du jure" this week.只是正如你所说的这个星期的争端也是基于“法理的原因”。

6.Most governments today are not true de jure regimes, and a proper system for replacing them is to be carried out by our Earth alpes.今天,大多数的政府没有真实的法律,必须由我们的地球盟友更换实施。

7.The authority of the appellate court and the Supreme Court is only to conduct de jure examination or legal review and not fact review.上诉法院和最高法院的职权,只是对上诉案件进行法律审查,而非事实审查。

8.with an eye to the disjoint of law and practice , chapter 1 demonstrates that the adjudicative power shall belong to adjudicator de jure.第一章着眼于法律的规定与现实的脱节,论证裁判权应当归法定的裁判者。

9.Which branch of government determines who has sovereignty de jure over a piece of land?是由那一个政府部门来决定,谁对一块土地拥有法理主权?

10.Comppance with article 17 requires that the integrity and confidentiapty of correspondence should be guaranteed de jure and de facto.要遵守第十七条,就必须在法律上和实际上保障通信的完整和机密。