




1.正因为 21 C now that=since 因为,既然 just because只是因为 now that: 既然 ...

3.没有别的原因 (别胡闹了。) Don't be silly. (没有别的原因。) Just because. (没有别的原因。) be. ...

4.只因为 ... keep out: 不许入内(阻止,防止,不参加) just because: 只因为 goof on: 寻某人开心,耍某人 ...

5.仅仅因为 ... 《冲出束缚》( Straight Out Of Line) 《仅仅因为》( Just Because) 《顺流而下》( Go With The …

6.就是因为 ... D.as though=as if 好象 B.just because 就是因为,仅仅因为 A.even though=though=although 虽然,尽管的意思 ...


1.Yet just because BP has the deepest pockets does not make it a piggybank to be raided.然而,不能因为英国石油资金实力最为雄厚,就把它当成“洗劫”的对象。

2.If you are having a bad day, or you are in a negative frame of mind, don't give just because you think you are supposed to.如果某天你的运气不好,或者情绪很差,就不要选择这样的日子去布施。

3.Try sending her flowers "just because" . Buy him 2 tickets to a game of his favorite sport -- and go with him!比如:送花给她,没有任何理由;买两张他最喜爱的体育比赛的门票,陪他一起去!

4.But just because investing in railways is seen by bankers as something of a poptical task does not mean they are throwing their money away.但不能仅仅因为银行家将投资铁路视为某种政治任务,就意味着他们在把钱往水里扔。

5.and my judgment is just, because I seek to do not my own will but the will of him who sent me.我的审判也是公平的,因为我不求自己的意思,只求那差我来者的意思。

6.The only hang-up: Just because Microsoft finished Mango a bit early doesn't mean that its OEM partners are ready to rock and roll.唯一的拖延只是因为微软提早一些完成芒果系统,但这并不意味着初始设备制造厂家(OEM=originalequipmentmanufacturer)已经准备好发布产品。

7.He said the only proper answer on which you can build a pfe of love is to say "I love you just because I love you. "他说:只有唯一一个可以让你们建立起爱的生活的正当答案,那就是——我爱你仅仅因为我爱你。

8.You want someone to keep in mind his mother's admonition about not jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge just because all of his friends do.当所有人都在跳下布鲁克林大桥的时候,你要让一个人牢记妈妈的警告,让他不要跳。

9.You: But I don't want to get back with a girl just because she looks good. Let me ask you, which of your guys is most adventurous?你:但,我不想因为她看上去漂亮就和她复合。问你一下,你认识的人中谁最有冒险精神?

10.Just because people have been doing it the same way since the beginning of time, I'm going to make it better.从一开始,人们就一直用同样的方法做一件事,我要做的更好。