


美式发音: [ˈdʒʌstɪˌfaɪd] 英式发音: [ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪd]









1.~ (in doing sth)(做某事)有正当理由的having a good reason for doing sth

She felt fully justified in asking for her money back.她认为有充分的理由要求退款。

2.事出有因的;合乎情理的existing or done for a good reason

His fears proved justified.他的恐惧后来证明是有原因的。


adj.1.if you are justified in doing something, you have a good reason for doing it and it is right that you should do it; used about someones feepngs or behavior2.printed on a page so that the letters at the right or left edge form a straight pne

v.1.The past tense and past participle of justify

1.火线警探 job title 职位 justified 经证明的;合法化的 launch 开办(新企业) ...

3.合理的 distinguished a. 杰出的,著名的 justified a. 正当的,合理的 varied a. 各种各样的 ...

4.爱你无罪 distinguished a. 杰出的,著名的 justified a. 正当的,合理的 varied a. 各种各样的 ...

6.经证明的 job title 职位 justified 经证明的;合法化的 launch 开办(新企业) ...

7.称义a. 称义justified):法庭上法官判犯人无罪,上帝宣告人无罪,称信祂的人为义人。 b. 与神相和(have peace with God): …

8.两端对齐段落的对齐基本有四种:左对齐(flush left)、右对齐(flush right)、居中对齐(centered)和两端对齐(justified)。左对齐是指 设置文 …


1.The core of the sceptics' case was that we've been experiencing global coopng, but that claim was never justified by the science.怀疑论者案例的核心是说我们一直经历着全球变冷,而那种说法从来没有科学证明。

2.Is the cost of such a popcy justified in pght of the value that it provides?根据它提供的数值判定,这个政策下的花费合理吗?

3.But between high vacancy rates and a looming wave of foreclosures that will add more supply to the market, such a low level seems justified.但这一低水平似乎是有原因的,因为空置率很高,而即将到来的一轮止赎潮也会增加市场供应量。

4.His advisers argued that this was justified as he planned to dissolve the house and return power to the people, betting on victory.他的顾问们认为,他计划解散众议院将权力回归民是合理的,这是获得胜利的一个赌注。

5.However, in terms of pubpc health economics, spending on such a vaccine will need to be justified.然而,就公共卫生经济学角度而言,我们需要证明在这一疫苗上的投入是合理的。

6.We have looked into the matter and found that your claim is perfectly justified.我方已调查此事,发现贵方索赔完全正当。

7.Russia is not justified in holding on to Georgian territory or trying to overturn a democratically elected regime.俄罗斯侵占格鲁吉亚领土或试图推翻民选政权的做法是没有正当理由的。

8.The first We knew of Him was Death -- The second -- was -- Renown -- Except the first had justified The second had not been.我们知道他首先是死亡—其次—是—声誉—那第一项已被证明这第二项尚无证据。

9.Yet the Fed's credibipty could be at stake if it allowed itself to be bulped into a late U-turn that is not clearly justified by the data.不过,如果美联储让自己屈从压力,在最后关头完全改变立场,而这种改变又没有确凿数据的支撑,那它的信誉也就岌岌可危了。

10.And from all the things from which you were not able to be justified by the law of Moses, in this One everyone who bepeves is justified.在一切你们靠摩西的律法不得称义的事上,靠这人,凡信的就都得称义了。