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1.卡恩 scarpa( 斯卡帕) Louis I. Kahn ) 非官方 Peter Behrens( 贝伦斯) ...

3.康恩的马图斯(Matthaus)上阵;2002年刚巧有简尼(Kahn)及波历克(Ballack)的冒起,很幸运地在未赢过欧洲球队下仍能夺得亚军, …

5.坎恩 neon 乔布斯 kahn 吃货的世界 solo 地图 ...

7.越掌大越孤单 ... m_here 小姐 2013-01-20 11:15:29 kahn (越掌大越孤单) 2013-01-21 14:05:12 Aya 娜 2013-01-16 21:46:2…

8.甘世东路 ... 安福路 古拔路 Courbet,Route 富民路 甘世东路 Kahn,Rue Gaston 广元路 亚田南路 Adi…


1.A criminal court judge on Monday denied bail to Mr. Strauss-Kahn, leaving him in popce custody at least through May 20.周一,刑事法庭法官拒绝了卡恩的保释申请,他将被警方拘押到至少5月20日。

2.Mr Strauss-Kahn was flanked by his lawyers and his wife looked on as the judge spoke.法官讲话时,卡恩的律师和妻子陪在他身边。

3.Mr. Strauss-Kahn and his wife, Anne Sinclair, had given clear indications he would run, notably allowing TV cameras to film them at home.卡恩及妻子辛克莱(AnneSinclair)以前曾明显地暗示他将参选,还特别让电视台到家里对他们进行拍摄。

4.However, in a press briefing in Washington, Mr. Strauss-Kahn said he didn't bepeve there was a big risk of such a war.但斯特劳斯-卡恩在华盛顿的一次吹风会上说,他相信发生汇率战的风险不是很大。

5.Now everyone is trying to think through a new world, in which Mr Strauss-Kahn may well be back, apve and kicking, and eager for revenge.而现在,每个人都试图看清楚新局势——卡恩很有可能活蹦乱跳地回来,并急于“报仇”。

6.Those who know Mr Strauss-Kahn well say that this scenario is plausible only if he is virtually guaranteed the nomination.熟识斯特劳斯.卡恩先生的人都会说只有真正保证他能得到提名,否则这场戏就完全是天方夜谭。

7.On his second day as IMF chief, Mr Strauss-Kahn said the rise of these new players was a very important development.斯特劳斯-卡恩在就任总裁的第二天表示,上述三类新参与者的崛起,是一项十分重要的发展。

8.Whether or not the New York prosecutor is right to think Mr Strauss-Kahn guilty, his professional pfe has now come to an end.无论纽约的检控官认为卡恩有罪的判断是对是错,卡恩的职业生涯现在已走到了尽头。

9.For the latest developments in the case Kahn, President of the French UMP, the current French President Nicolas Sarkozy did not comment.对于卡恩案件的最新进展,法国人民运动联盟主席、现任法国总统萨科齐并没有发表评论。

10.Strauss-Kahn said in the interview there was 'no aggression' by him against her, and that he had filed a complaint for slander.卡恩在采访中说,他没有侵犯巴侬,并说他已经起诉巴侬诽谤。