




1.凯恩ng magician) 《战神》(Mars) 《戒音》(Kaine) 《幻影梦想》(Dreaming Illusions) 《通灵公主》(Shamanic Princess) 《机械 …

3.凯纳 Kahun 卡呼恩-选自古代卷 Kaine 凯纳 Kairouan 凯鲁万 ...

4.凯弥 -织野 ORINO- -凯弥 KAINE- -塔 TAR- ...

5.甲斐根 ... 甲斐庄 Kainosho 甲斐根 Kaine 甲斐沼 Kainuma ...

6.战士凯伊妮战的夥伴,包括左半身被魔物所入侵的 17 岁双性女战士凯伊妮Kaine)以及出身成谜形如骸骨般的实验兵器 7 号。


1.State Governor Timothy Kaine declared the day of mourning and asked people across the entire state to pause at noon for a moment of silence.州长凯恩宣布星期五为悼念日,并要求全州民众在中午时分举行默哀。

2.The same can be said of Tim Kaine, the governor of Virginia and a former missionary.维吉尼亚州州长TimKaine以前做过传教士,他同样有此能耐。

3.The royal couple will be welcomed with "true southern hospitapty, " Gov. Timothy M. Kaine said in a statement Wednesday.弗吉尼亚州州长蒂姆·M·凯恩在上周三的一份声明中称,女王夫妇将受到“真正的南方款待”。

4.Kaine supporter Sheila Levine said President Barack Obama, if re-elected, will need Democrats to work with in Congress.凯恩的支持者希拉.莱文说,如果总统奥巴马再次当选,将会需要民主党在国会的合作。

5.She replaces Tim Kaine who plans to run for the Senate from Virginia next year.斯库茨将接替计划明年竞选弗吉尼亚州参议员的前主席凯恩(TimKaine)。

6.Kaine said Democrats can expect some loses on Tuesday, but not enough to loose majority control of either the House or the Senate.凯恩说,民主党星期二会有一些失利。但还不至于丢掉参众两院的多数控制权。

7.Virginia pmits its governors to one term, so Mr Kaine is not running.佛吉尼亚限制其州长只有一届任期,因此凯恩先生不会去角逐。

8.Governor Kaine formed an independent panel to investigate Monday's rampage in Blacksburg, Virginia, by 23-year-old student Cho Seung-hui.凯恩州长组成了一个独立小组,调查星期一发生在维州布莱克斯堡由名叫赵承熙的学生制造的枪杀案。

9.But Stunner was knocked out and Doc Ock was murdered by the insane Peter Parker clone named Kaine.但是尤物遭淘汰和文件玉珠被谋杀的疯狂彼得帕克克隆命名凯恩。

10.Governor Tim Kaine has moved to deal with this.州长蒂姆•凯恩已经采取行动处理此事。